Michael Hager debriefs the conclusions of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council

Mieke de Regt explains the Belgian Presidency’s priorities in the digital field

Ben Smulders offers insights on how to reconcile State Aid with industrial policy

Jaume Duch discusses the challenges facing the EU in the forthcoming elections on June 9th

Miguel Castroviejo reviews the Spanish Presidency’s achievements in the environmental field

Luncheon-debate held with Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission

Luncheon-debate held with Pierre Gramegna, Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism

Luncheon-debate held with Maciej Golubiewski, Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Agriculture

Luncheon-debate held with Arancha González Laya, President of the Wise Persons Group on Challenges facing the Customs Union

Luncheon-debate held with Linsey McCallum, Deputy Director-General for Antitrust in the Directorate-General for Competition