Reunión de la Comisión de Foros 2022

Forum commission meeting

On February 15th, the last meeting of the year of the Fora Commission was organised telematically, working group whose task is to propose, organise and monitor the events organised by the Chamber.

During the meeting, chaired by Carlos Rodríguez Cocina of Telefónica, an assessment was made of the latest events organised by the “business circle” tribune and the priorities and upcoming activities for the coming months were defined.

Finally, the priorities and upcoming activities for the next months were defined.

About the Chamber’s Commissions

The Commissions are composed of some of the members as well as the person in charge of the area in question in the Chamber.

These working groups have numerous functions: in-depth studies of proposals, issues, projects, and activities. Through them, the members influence the day-to-day running of the Chamber in order to better adapt the Chamber’s activities to the needs of the members.

At any time, a member can ask the chairman of a Committee to join it or ask the Secretary General to set up a new group.