Executive Breakfast held on “Master your body language”


Last Friday 17 November, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg held an executive-breakfast in collaboration with IE University in which the speaker, Menno Bakker, gave a presentation on body language language and how to master it.

The interactive session focused on different elements such as what is communicated non-verbally, how to read non-verbal language and the role of the brain in relation to our behaviour. In addition, specific skills used in the world of espionage and international diplomacy were practised.

The subconscious part of our behaviour was also discussed, and how our words, our voice and the way we communicate non-verbally project hidden thoughts, feelings and emotions, and the importance of being aware of that. The speaker explained how, through our gestures, body movement, posture, facial expressions and eye contact, we send many messages without being aware of it.

The speaker, Captain Menno Bakker, is a military, diplomat and leadership trainer, and led this executive-breakfast with which the attendees were very satisfied.

The Chamber would like to thank IE University, the speaker, Menno Bakker, and all the attendees of this conference.

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