Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Spanish wine tasting in Luxembourg organized by Bodegas Salferso Wines

During the 25th and 26th of May, the winery Salferso Wine organized, in collaboration of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, an Open Doors event for the first anniversary of its store in Walferdange. The following wineries participated in the event : Trus / Ribera del Duero, Lagar d’Amprius / Teruel, Ardèvol / Priorato, […]

Success of the Social Networking Night II

Last Thusrday, June 8th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized the 2nd edition of the Social Networking Night, which took place within the framework of Programa Jóvenes BeLux. The main goal was to support young Spanish expats in Brussels in their social and professional integration in Belgium and Luxembourg. The […]

The Chamber participates in the opening of NH Collection Grand Sablon

Last June 6th, the President of the Chamber, Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons, participated in the opening of the NH Collection Grand Sablon, new hotel of our member NH Hotel Group in Brussels. Located at the very heart of the city, NH Collection Grand Sablon is in the Sablon district, renowned for its many antique shops and […]

12/05 Luncheon-Debate with Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

Brussels, May 12 2017 On May 12th, the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a luncheon-debate with Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety at NH Hotel Collection Grand Sablon in Brussels. At the event there were chamber members, business executives, members of the Spanish and international diplomatic bodies, as well as […]

The Chamber participates in the workshop “Tools for Creative Entrepreneurs: crowfunding, branding & storytelling”

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated last May 17th in a workshop about “Tools for Creative Entrepreneurs: crowfunding, branding & storytelling”, which took place in Brussels. The workshop aimed to present different tools in a practical way,  in order to develop and promote young entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship in launching phases […]

Celebration of the Day of the Book in the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels

Last April 24th, the ambassadors of Spain and ten Latin American countries in Belgium read pieces of the book One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. It took place in the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels, in a celebration of the Spanish Day of the Book. The Secretary General of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium […]

FTI Consulting Ranked as the Fastest-Growing Midsized Company in Brussels

The Belgian branch of our sponsor member FTI Consulting has been ranked as the fastest-growing midsized company in Belgium on the past five years by the Trends Tendance magazine. “As a worldwide leader consultant company we are often awarded, but this is a special award because it is referred to all business areas, not only […]