FEDECOM General Assembly 11th February

Among the issues discussed during the General Assembly of FEDECOM, held on 11 February, it is worth mentioning the interventions of Cristina Olazabal, representing the Secretary of State for Trade and Jaime Montalvo, International Director of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

The announcement made at the previous GA on subsidies, through the General State Budget, is pending the approval of the Recovery and Resilience Funds. The subsidies will be for the digitalisation of the external network of the chambers of commerce (CAMACOES). Work is being carried out on the possibility of funding under different headings, including: adaptation of technical resources (bandwidth, intranet, etc.), adaptation of physical facilities, investment in technical and human resources.

Agreements will be signed between the Secretariat of State and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, or with the CAMACOES. The timetable being studied for the implementation of improvements in digitalisation covers the three-year period 2021-2023.

On the other hand, the aim is to position and consolidate the CAMACOES network. The objective is to enhance its current qualities, promoting network projects, designing joint strategies with OFECOMES and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, sharing software equipment.

There is a lot of work being done to optimise the website of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce by means of a link with the CAMACOES, presenting a map of services. A microsite will be created with maximum visibility, which will be a place for companies and institutions. Moreover, a chamber intranet will be opened, at the disposal of the CAMACOES and the Secretary of State for Trade.

It is planned to update the services by creating a catalogue for companies and government institutions.

Finally, information was provided on the development of the Global Network project, whose objective is the creation of the “Community of Spanish business managers in the world“, in which both OFECOMES and CAMACOES play an important role.