17-18/09 Online training on “Advocacy in the European Union: how to kickstart your campaign”


On the 17th and 18th of September, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will organise an online training on “The playbook on innovative campaigning in Brussels“, given by our EmprendeBelux member Sebastián Rodríguez Pérez, Campaign Consultant and author of the European Campaign Playbook.

In this training, professionals tasked with branding, public affairs, marketing communications, or community engagement will learn to identify the core messages for their organizations, craft convincing stories and launch integrated campaigns to achieve their goals.

This is a hands-on workshop in which participants will collaborate and work towards creating a “Communications Plan” for their respective organisations by the end of the training.

The training will be conducted in English and will be divided in sessions of two and a half hours, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. on both days.

You can check the full programme of the course here.

To register for the online training, please click here:

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