After 10 years as an entrepreneur, what motivated you to create your own personal project?
I started when I was 23-24 years old after my studies at the University of Sevilla and an Erasmus year in Luxembourg, with the economic crisis in 2008. At that time, I started working in cultural management. When I came back to Luxembourg to live with my wife, I could not find a job so I decided to study a professional master in digital communication and from there I started working in that area.
What type of services does AtelierDavidSanchez offer?
AtelierDavidSanchez is my personal brand, in which I have been working since 2016 in Luxembourg, Croatia, Spain and Belgium. I offer services as a digital consultant in four main areas: digital transformation, dissemination, graphic design and web design.
What characterizes your company’s projects to be different from your competitors? What kind of clients do you work with?
Because of my studies, it became clear to me that SMEs needed many different services, so it is essential that they have coherence between them. What I have always offered is to see digital communication as a whole and from that concept create the campaigns, strategies and content to reach the objectives. The type of clients that I have been always working for are mostly SMEs. I think there is a mutual connection, because the closeness with the interlocutors has an added value for them. The thing of dealing with only one person instead of having to coordinate with a designer, a developer, a consultant etc., save time and energy to my clients.
How was the experience of launching your company in Belgium? What advantages and obstacles have you found?
After more than a year in Belgium I have already seen how things work here. In comparison with my experience in Spain, Luxembourg and Croatia the only thing that I can distinguish with Belgium, it is the presence of the European Institutions and the big amount of companies and associations that work around for them.
The level in Brussels is very high, so that can play against you because I am a microenterprise compared with the recognised companies that are based here, however some projects have come out satisfactorily.
What are your future plans? In which kind of projects would you like to get involve?
Currently, I am working in a website for a NGO in Brussels, and I have already had several clients from the non-profit association sector.
This path is the one that motivates me the most, so I would like to continue exploring it more in the future.
Recently you have joined the EmprendeBelux program, what benefits do you expect this affiliation brings you?
My relationship with the Chamber has always been extraordinary, since 2017 when I was invited to tell my experience as a successful entrepreneur in Luxembourg. Now that I have joined the EmprendeBeLux program, I hope to find a reference in the Chamber to guide me in this market, and in the same way to be in contact with other entrepreneurs and companies to create new synergies.