Company: Ballet Irene
Interviewed person: Irène Cosma-Junie
Position: Directora artística

How did the idea of founding a ballet academy in Brussels came about and how did you go about it?

As a graduate of the Strasbourg Conservatory, department of dance, I want to share the Art of Classical and Contemporary dances, like as my teachers taught me with passion, love and patience, to all those interested in this Art. I looked for an attractive location in down town in Brussels to make it easier to reach it. I love this multilingual, multicultural and cosmopolitan spirit of the European quarter. I found a space for rent dedicated for office activities. We converted this space into a dance studio.

Who is the target audience for your ballet classes; what levels and ages do you teach at Ballet Irene?

The school offers classes for children, teenagers and adults for beginners, intermediate and advanced. There is no age limit for starting to taste the art of dance.

In addition to ballet classes, you also offer several language courses, including French, German and Romanian. Why have you chosen this dual concept of dance and language academy and do you think there is a synergy between the two?

I have a partnership with Mirela, who is graduate in Languages, to teach French, German and Romanian. Passionate about languages, she offers classes in groupe and private, as well as conversation sessions. Classical and Contemporary dances meet at some level with poetry and both come together.

Why have you made the decision to become a member of the Chamber and what objective would you like to achieve with your membership?

While being passionate about Spanish culture and civilization, I wanted to join the Chamber because I wish to expand the network within the school, I wish to make our activities known among its active members and make them curious to come and try and learn about our culture too.