Networking meeting among entrepreneurs
Last Thursday 24th of March, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a networtking meeting among entrepreneurs in Brussels, for Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium. The event, with more than fifteen participants, was organised in the framework of the EmprendeBelux programme, which aims to support Spaniards who have recently created or are interested in starting an entrepreneurial project in Belgium, and in the framework of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) programme, which offers transnational exchanges to young entrepreneurs and people who want to start a business.
During the meeting, the Chamber first presented the services they offer, as well as the European projects they coordinate and that could be of interest for the professional activity of the attendees. Then, the participants had the opportunity to present their entrepreneurial projects and exchange experiences. Among them, there were entrepreneurs from the translation, politics, technology, art, and beverages sectors.
If you are a Spanish entrepreneur in Belgium or Luxembourg interested in joining the Chamber’s network of entrepreneurs, please send an email to