Presentation of the company DLinea in Luxembourg

On Wednesday 10th of December the company DLinea was presented in Luxembourg. With the topic “The accessible architecture for people with visual disabilities”, José Serrano, manager of the company and participant of the contest “Young entrepreneur prize” of the Programa Jóvenes BeLux from the Chamber of Commerce, explained the audience its innovative projects and the activity of the business.

Breakfast started with Maria Catalán,  Secretary-General of the Chamber, giving a welcome message to the attendees. She also introduced to the speaker and it company, DLinea.

Then José Serrano presented DLinea, a new architecture firm based on Bereldange-Luxembourg which offers an innovative guided-system for blinds people in buildings and public places. This new system establishes  a continuous communication channel between the person and the building. It is based on relieves set up on the floor which allow to know the way to follow and integrate the person into the building. These relieves change their shape in order to indicate a change of direction, the end of a corridor or a change of height. This new tool is completed with an auditory system installed on the elevators to improve the assistance for the blind people.

Among the attendants, there were representatives of blind and disabilities organizations.

This activity  is integrated in the Programa Jóvenes Belux, supported by the Employment and Social Security Ministry.