The Chamber helps nine companies from Madrid to enter the Belgian and Luxembourgish markets


In the months of April and May 2024, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has developed a series of trade missions in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, with the aim of helping nine companies from Madrid and one from Cantabria to prepare and carry out meeting agendas with companies in the Benelux.

As part of this initiative, the Chamber has organized more than 60 meetings (both face-to-face and online) with distributors and potential customers from sectors such as food, production and sale of fertilizers, treatment of raw materials for mining, production of electric radiators and heat emitters or consulting in the field of nutrition and animal health, among others.

Success story: FFUUSS

One of the companies that visited Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands as part of these trade missions was FFUUSS, whose activity is focused on the manufacture and marketing of hand dryers for the Horeca sector. Representing the company, Juan Mata, partner and general manager, and Pamela León, General Sales Manager, were in charge of presenting the company’s products at the eight meetings held during the mission.

“The profiles of the companies with which we have met have been very different from each other,” said Mata after his week of meetings, assuring that it has helped them to orient themselves in a market in which they previously had no experience. As for his impressions of the initiative, the head of FFUUSS said he was “surprised for the better”, since the response of the companies to the company’s hand dryers was “generally positive”.

In this regard, León added that being able to present the hand dryers in physical format was a fundamental factor in selling them: “It’s not the same to be told how good something is as to be able to try it out and draw your own conclusions”.

On trade missions

A trade mission is an initiative that seeks to introduce a product or service in a new market. The Chamber offers Spanish companies the possibility of exploring the Belgian, Luxembourgish and Dutch markets through these actions, providing comprehensive support in accessing the Benelux.

Learn more about our trade missions through this link or by writing to