The Chamber collaborates with IE University to organise a session on the power of AI


Last Wednesday, the 25th of September, a session on the development of AI in the audiovisual sector took place at the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with its company partner IE University.

The session started with a presentation of the Spanish IE University by Jeanelyn Hichon Borja, IE’s Regional Coordinator for Europe and Central Asia Global Markets.

Next, the speaker María Valenzuela, media expert and Associate Professor at IE University, took the floor to discuss the consequences that the growing development of AI is having on the world of fiction. During the talk, Ms. Valenzuela discussed the advantages, disadvantages, as well as the risks that the use of AI without specific regulations represents. On the one hand, the development of AI allows for the democratisation of content creation, but on the other hand this constant development can dismantle the industry.

The session ended with a round of questions that further opened the debate on how the development of AI can be understood as an advantage and at the same time a disadvantage in the fiction sector.

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