The Chamber participated in the 33rd Network Meeting of the EYE programme


On the 15th and 16th of October, the Chamber participated in the 33rd Networking Meeting of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme.

During the two-days event, the intermediary organizations, the support office of the programme and the European Commission had the opportunity to gather and discuss about the impact of this initiative and its latest developments.

Keynote speeches, workshops, matchmaking events and collaborative sessions were organized for participants during the two-days meeting in Brussels.

EYE is an exchange programme for entrepreneurs co-funded by the European Commission that has supported more than 12.000 exchanges in over 40 countries since it started in 2009.

The Chamber is the local contact point in Belgium and Luxembourg for:

  • New or aspiring entrepreneurs living in Belgium or Luxembourg, wishing to test their business idea abroad with the help of a Host Entrepreneur.
  • Experienced entrepreneurs running an SME in Belgium or Luxembourg willing to host a New Entrepreneur from another country of Europe.

For more information: