The first part of the training on “Compliance Requirements” was held within the framework of the SFF Learning Solutions.

Last Thursday, November 24, the first part of the training on “Compliance Requirements” took place at the Chambre des Métiers in Luxembourg. This session dealt with the topic of “Combating money laundering and terrorist financing” and was given by Dorit Hornung, manager at PWC and expert in this field, and by Álvaro Gómez, manager also at PWC Luxembourg.

The two-hour course covered topics such as an introduction to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, the emerging pressure at the international level, its application in Luxembourg and the sanctions in this area, and introduced the concept of the beneficial owner or ultimate beneficial owner (UBO).

At the end of the event, participants received a diploma certifying their attendance and enjoyed a networking cocktail that allowed them to exchange ideas and opinions.