Visit of ESNE students to the Chamber

Last April 13th the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg received the visit of ESNE students (Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología) of Madrid.

María Catalan, secretary general of the Chamber welcomed the teachers and students. The meeting started with a brief presentation of each assistants.

After that, the secretary general presented the activities and functions of the Chamber, highlighting the organization of events. In relation curses that the students are taking, it was recalled how the Chamber collaborated in the organization of the DS Brussels Fashion Days – Spanish Edition.

Subsequently, Arturo Ibañez, Proyect manager of EYE (Erasmus for Young Enterpreneurs) in the Chamber, explained this European program, its benefits and the facilities that the Chamber offers to participate on it.

Finally, Catalán introduced the website of the Chamber, EmpleoBelux, which has the aim to help youth who want to live or work in Brussels.

To conclude the meeting, the students had the opportunity to present their doubts and concerns to María and Arturo.