The President of FEDECOM participates in the Plenary of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce

Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons, President of the Official Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, participated in the Plenary of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, which took place on 19 April in Madrid.

Iberia, Banco Sabadell, Endesa and Alstom España became member of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. With these incorporations the corporate involvement in the Plenary, which is the highest governance body of the institution and in which the 28 largest Spanish companies are represented in their respective sectors, is strengthened.

The President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, José Luis Bonet, highlighted the commitment of the large companies with the institutional project of the Spanish Chamber, which became evident once again with these new incorporations. “The improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs and its internationalization are two strategic objectives of the Spanish Chamber and the leading capacity of the most important companies of the country is essential in order to achieve these objectives”, Bonet emphasized.

The institutional support of the large companies as well as its economic contribution allow the launch of new support programs for the SMEs and entrepreneurs in order to strengthen the Spanish production system and its implementation by means of the 88 Chambers, which ensures the structuring of the territory.

Source: Spanish Chamber of Commerce