Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Meeting of the Forums Committee

On September 20th, the second meeting of the year of the Forums Committee, a working group whose task is to propose, organise and monitor the events organised by the Chamber, was organised telematically. During the meeting, which was chaired by Pablo López Álvarez (FTI Consulting), a balance of the last events organised by the “business […]

Introduction to the new European funding program in digitalisation – Good Practices in Spain and in Belgium

On September 22nd, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised the conference “Introduction to the new European funding program in digitalisation – Good Practices in Spain and in Belgium”, in collaboration with BECI (Chambre de Commerce et Union des Enterprises de Bruxelles) and EEN (Enterprise Europe Network). The event was attended […]

Luxembourg’s Management Committee Meeting

On September 7th, the Luxembourg´s Management Committee met virtually. The Vice President of the Chamber, Joseba Arriortua, started the meeting by informing the rest of the members of the Committee about the changes in the Board of Directors of the Chamber after the last AGO held in June in Brussels. Then, he welcomed Antonio Corpas, […]

Meeting of the Board of Directors

On September 13th, the Board of Directors of the Chamber held a telematic meeting. During the meeting, chaired by the President Pablo López-Álvarez, it was discussed the content of the next multiannual strategic plan to be developed by the Chamber. In addition, the different European programmes managed by the institution and the working committees of […]

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg announces the VII Edition of the Company of the Year Award

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has opened the call for nominations for its Company of the Year Award 2021, which recognises the experience, demonstration of leadership and competitiveness of companies with commercial activity in Belgium and/or Luxembourg maintaining a business relationship with Spain. In 2013, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary […]

Digital ICT Week

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network, together with Farvest Group, will organise the 2nd edition of the Digital ICT Week that will take place on 13 – 17 September 2021. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will once again be an official partner of this event. The Digital ICT Week, built […]

MobiliseSME brings EU funding to Agribusiness

Paolo Sospiro is the director of a Belgian organisation that supports SMEs in the search for projects and tenders at European level, and Mauro Picardo is the representative of a pomegranate cooperative in Italy. These two professionals have been collaborating through the MobiliseSME programme since April 2021. In March this year, Paolo registered his association […]

New 2021-2022 Communication Pack of the Chamber

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has already available its new 2021-2022 Communication Pack that includes the advertising rates for this year, as well as the information about its media. You may also find the form you need to fill in for contracting advertising space. Through this Pack, the Chamber aims […]