Transnational Consortium Meeting of the European project DGVET held in GRAZ, Austria

Last 8th and 9th of November took place in Graz, Austria, the Transnational Consortium Meeting of the European project DG VET, an Erasmus+ initiative coordinated by the Chamber.

The aim of the meeting was to present the overview of the project performance achieved until November 2022. and the Consortium has started to plan the next months ahead of the programme.

The meeting was held in a hybrid format and made it possible to create proficient links and confirm an atmosphere of trust that strengthens the collaboration amongst the partners.

DG VET is a 24-month project which aims to develop innovative training material and methodology, together with an online learning platform to support the development of marketable digital and green skills of NEET youth from rural areas to empower their employability, especially women between 18 and 30 years old.

DG-VET project partners recognize the important contribution of the Digital and Green Economy (DaGE) sectors to creating job opportunities for young people living in rural areas.

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg is responsible for the coordination of this initiative founded y the European Union.

We want to specially thank our colleague partner Martin Moser from LEVILO, Austria who presented throughout the meeting enhancing a cheerful atmosphere.

For more information, please contact:

Andrea Galante, Project manager (

Three Spanish companies participate in an informative journey on the investment opportunities in Brussels

On Tuesday, 8th of November, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg attended an informative journey of Brussels and the existing investment opportunities in the region for foreign companies, which took place in the premises of, in the framework of the Cleantech Forum Europe event.

These presentations were addressed to innovative Spanish companies that offer technological solutions to environmental and climate challenges around the world. The event gathered consultants, tax advisors and lawyers specialized in the creation of companies in Belgium, such as Yves Houbion, from OAK Law, member of the Chamber, and Emmanuel de Beughem, head of the investment department at

The three Spanish companies that participated were Sens Solutions, Teimas and Blue Room Innovation. Later, they had the opportunity to enjoy the organised visits to the sustainable building of Bruxelles Environement and the startups incubator GreenBiz.

The three Spanish companies then participated in the Cleantech Forum Europe, a unique event held this year in Brussels from the 8th to the 11th of November. Thanks to the Chamber’s collaboration with, these SMEs were invited to participate in the three-day Cleantech conferences, which aimed to connect top leaders and investors with a new generation of companies around the theme “From commitments to actions: the sprint to zero net emissions”.

Celebration of the National Day of the Spanish Embassy in Luxembourg 2022

On October 12, the Spanish Embassy in Luxembourg collaborated with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg in the celebration of the Spanish National Day.

The event, which took place at the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg, was sponsored by Adepa, Banca March, Bankinter, Banque du Luxembourg, Besolux, CaixaBank Wealth Management, RBC, Sogelife, The OneLife Company and PwC, and was attended by local authorities, businessmen and Spanish representatives of European institutions, as well as numerous members of the Chamber.

During his first event, the Spanish Ambassador in Luxembourg, Mr.José María Rodríguez Coso, thanked during his speech the attendees for coming, as well as the sponsors of the event and the Chamber, for making all this possible.

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18-20/10 Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg: A chance to build sustainable partnerships in the cyber ecosystem

Are you interested in upgrading your cybersecurity or developing new international partnerships in the IT sector? On 18, 19 and 20 October, the Enterprise Europe Network and the Luxembourgish Chamber of Commerce will organise an event that will provide you with this opportunity.

For the first time, the ‘Cybersecurity Week‘, a b2fair® matchmaking event that will help companies in the cyber ecosystem to explore international partnerships, find the right solutions and technologies to protect themselves from cyber-attacks, and allow SMEs to get in touch with high-level experts in IT security, is coming to the Grand Duchy for the first time. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg is entity partner of the fair.

“CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg will bring together public and private actors from Luxembourg, the European Union and beyond.

In the framework of the European Cybersecurity Month, attendees will be able to organise business meetings, access conferences and workshops, or receive personalised assistance before, during and after the event.

In addition, the Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg Matchmaking Event will include an exhibition area where each participant will be able to gain exposure and share their experience with peers, potential partners and customers.

¿Where? Luxembourg Congress & Exhibition Center LUXEXPO – The Box.

¿Price? Free of charge.

¿Interested? Registrations.

Iberica Expo 2023 in Amsterdam

On January 9th, 10th and 11th 2023, a new edition of the leading European international food and wine from Spain, Ibérica Expo 2023, will take place in Amsterdam.
During these three days, Ibérica Expo will bring to the Netherlands a selection of Spanish companies from the agri-food sector with the aim of giving them visibility and putting them in contact with potential distributors in the BeNeLux. Last year, Ibérica Expo Amsterdam attracted 71,000 visitors and more than 760 exhibitors.

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will collaborate in this initiative by identifying and coordinating the participation of importing companies from Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

During the fair, the products presented by the exhibitors will have the chance to win one of  The Ibérica Awards. The judges, selected from the most influential industry experts, will recognise, and reward the excellence of the Spanish food and beverage industry. Benelux importers, distributors and buyers will not only have the opportunity to be part of this jury, but will also be offered the chance to participate in a panel discussion, where they will share their opinions and insights on current trends in the sector.

Ibérica was created with the aim of promoting worldwide the Spanish food and beverage industry through various trade fairs and events. Ibérica Expo events, leaders in the global trade fair sector, bring together thousands of international buyers every year, helping to promote Spanish producers who represent Spanish gastronomic excellence. Here you can find a video of Ibérica Amsterdam 2020.

Afterwork among members and entrepreneurs in Brussels

Last 28th June, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised an afterwork among members and entrepreneurs in Brussels, in collaboration with the Eurostars Montgomery Hotel.

These events are an initiative of the Chamber that seeks to promote networking and the generation of entrepreneurial opportunities among its members and entrepreneurs.

The event was attended by 30 participants, including members of the Chamber, entrepreneurs, and Spanish and European public bodies.Attendees were able to discover the European programmes that the Chamber manages and could enjoy an aperitif in a relaxed and ideal atmosphere to interact and generate business opportunities.

This new edition of the already well-known afterworks organised by the Chamber was focused in introducing the StartCraft and the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme and once again demonstrated the success of this type of initiative and reaffirmed the organisation’s will to continue offering members, enterprises and entrepreneurs a suitable space where they can strengthen ties between different professionals.

Meeting of the Board of Directors

On 18 May, the Board of Directors of the Chamber held a hybrid meeting at the offices of the Economic and Commercial Counseling of the Embassy of Spain.

During the meeting, the draft of the new statutes of the Chamber was presented, a review of the actions developed by the Delegation of Luxembourg was made and a balance of the last activities carried out was made.

Likewise, the Board of Directors approved the annual accounts for the financial year 20201 for their presentation at the Ordinary General Assembly which will take place next 20th June.

The Chamber participates in a new edition of the EYE Network Meeting

The 28th edition of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) Network Meeting took place at the Thon Bristol Stephanie Hotel in Brussels on 11 and 12 May, which was once again held in person after years of pandemic.
This event brought together all the entities involved in the EYE Programme (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs), funded by the EU and for which the Chamber is the Intermediary Organisation for Belgium and Luxembourg.
The various workshops, meetings and symposia served to strengthen the links between the different participating organisations, with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality of exchanges between entrepreneurs from different European countries.
This year’s event featured a session focused on the inspirational practices of the EYE programme to support Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the wake of the Russian invasion.
All those who manage a small or medium-sized business in Belgium can participate in the programme, as it is free of charge and involves the support of a young entrepreneurin the day-to-day running of the business, providing innovative ideas and expanding the network of contacts in other countries.
Both young entrepreneurs and potential host entrepreneurs can find more information on the following link.

Conference on «Financial Investment and High Net Worth Management»

On May 5, in collaboration with the Spanish firm B Law & Tax, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a conference at the Meliá Hotel in Luxembourg, which was attended by numerous experts from the financial, tax and real estate sector in Luxembourg to listen to this lecture on “Financial investment and wealth management”.

Marta González, the secretary general of the Chamber, introduced the speakers, Inmaculada Pineda, partner, and Elsa Ochoa, tax advisor, both at B Law & Tax, and introduced the topic.

The speakers then took the floor and explained how to deal with the taxation of financial and real estate investment, as well as the savings opportunities provided by different investment vehicles under Spanish law.

Among other issues, the speakers addressed topics such as the taxation of financial income obtained by residents and non-residents in Spain, looking at the differences in both cases and how to avoid double taxation between Spain and Luxembourg. Other topics such as the taxation of real estate income and the taxation of “Trusts” in Spain, or “SICAVs”, among others, were also discussed.

Anyone who is interested in the conference and could not attend can contact the Chamber so that we can provide you with a copy of the presentation, as well as put you in contact with the speakers if you wish.

Luncheon-debate with Charlina Vitcheva, Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission

Yesterday, Wednesday 4th May, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg held in Brussels a new luncheon debate with the presence of Charlina Vitcheva, Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG MARE). The theme of the event revolved around the Commission’s policies in relation to its directorate and the future of fisheries.

A variety of people attended the event, including business executives, delegates from the Autonomous Communities, representatives of Spanish and European organisations and various partners of the Chamber.

The conference was opened by the President of the Chamber, Pablo López-Álvarez, who took the opportunity to thank all those present for their attendance. He then dedicated some words of special recognition to the extensive career of the speaker Vitcheva both in the European institutions, in which she has held various positions of responsibility over the years, as well as her contribution to the Bulgarian national politics always from the support to the European construction. López-Álvarez also took the opportunity to highlight the vital importance that the policies related to the maritime industry have had in Spanish companies over the years and the relevant contributions of former Commissioners and Directors General.

The President of the Chamber also introduced Salvador Ramón Mateo, President of FRIME, the company that sponsored the event. FRIME – “The Sustainable Tuna Company” is a company with a family tradition, leader in the commercialisation of sustainable tuna with more than 40 years of history. Salvador Ramón highlighted different achievements of the company during his speech and told us about the future plans of the company and its continued commitment to R & D in the optimization of all its processes, after which he gave the floor to the speaker.

Fishing sector

Vitcheva dedicated her speech to explaining the current and future situation of the fishing sector, referring to the different policies and strategies promoted by her department. Vitcheva also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the existence of companies such as FRIME, which through innovation are ultimately responsible for advancing in the construction of a more sustainable industry that ensures fishing in the future.

In this context, Vitcheva detailed the proposals made by the Commission in the area of maritime affairs and fisheries, the different aid packages that have been designed to support the most vulnerable sectors of the industry in this crisis situation caused by Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. According to Vitcheva, the rise in fuel prices, which has had a major impact on maritime workers, once again demonstrated the urgent need for the fishing sector to move towards a decarbonised industry that is gaining energy autonomy to ensure its future activity.

Vitcheva was also optimistic about the challenges that her directorate must face and affirmed that DG Mare works from the concrete, being aware of the Union’s resources and opportunities in the global maritime context, especially characterised by its interconnection between nations, in order to design a concrete roadmap that will allow us to continue advancing in key pillars such as respect for the environment and marine ecosystems.

After the presentation, a question-and-answer session was opened, where participants were able to express their opinions and raise different questions about what had been presented, as well as creating an unbeatable environment for dialogue and debate.

The Chamber would like to give special thanks to Bodegas Altos de Torona and Bodegas Regina Viarum, whose wines were tasted by all the attendees, as well as to the participants, who made this event a very successful lunch-debate.