Conference held for the final event of the European project DG Vet


Last Wednesday the 31st of January, the final conference of the DG Vet project, ‘A more digital and Green European employability, improving Green digital skills’ took place at the premises of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg.

This initiative, co-financed by the European Commission and coordinated by the Chamber, focused on Agriculture 4.0, ecological digital best practices, field digitisation, and the green revolution. The objective was to promote training for individuals involved in the sector.

The event featured the participation of experts such as Sergi Queralt, Senior Policy Advisor at GEOPA, Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations; Lorenzo Mari, CEO of LandFriend; Déborah Lozano, Public Relations Manager at Bigh.Farm; and Mario Bejar Fuentes, Project Manager at CEJA, European Young Farmers Organization. This panel brought together the different perspectives of people working in agriculture 4.0 and those who create and promote public policies. During the roundtable, green digital best practices in Agriculture 4.0 and the context of the green revolution were explored. Expert interventions highlighted the crucial role of participants, placing them at the center and encouraging discussion about the sustainable future of agriculture.

As a conclusion to the conference, a networking cocktail was organised, providing an invaluable opportunity to establish connections and strengthen the network of contacts.

Soon, interviews with the speakers conducted within the framework of the project, addressing green digital best practices in Agriculture 4.0 and the green revolution, will be published on the DG VET website.

If you want to learn more about the DG VET project, you can access its e-learning platform here.