General Assembly FEDECOM

The consequences of the pandemic affect specifically to the Chambers abroad, whose financial structure corresponds to non-profit organizations, which due to their official status they represent Spain, lacking of administrative resources and are managed by the representatives of associated companies. The cancellation of activities, the withdrawal of members, sponsorships and other sources of income, give serious difficulties to most of the chambers. FEDECOM is working to alleviate the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the circumstances, the FEDECOM chambers, thanks to the enthusiasm and professionalism of their staff, keep their commitment to Spain and with their members.
On May 28th, FEDECOM Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, the federation of the 23 official chambers of commerce on the 4 continents, gathered its General Assembly, with extraordinary character, to debate on the support measures claimed from the Secretary of State for Trade and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, during the meeting on April 16 last. The agenda also included the approval of the constitution’ statutes of the new association.
Regarding about the financial support measures requested from the Administration, at the moment, they have not been addressed.
Respecting the measures aimed to strength the network of the Chambers abroad (CAMACOES), the Spanish Chamber of Commerce proposed a series of strategic lines in order to increase institutional and representative activities and promised to enhance the business activities and services.
FEDECOM has been an association under Belgian law until the recent decision to transform it into Spanish law. During the meeting, the new statutes were approved.