Company: EY Luxembourg
Interviewed person: Luis Chamorro
Position: Partner

What services does EY Luxembourg specialise in?

EY Luxembourg provides consulting, assurance, tax and transaction services to our clients. I specialize in the audit of alternative investment funds with a focus on real estate products.

What differentiates the audit services you offer at EY from other competing firms?

We are the most globally connected of the Big Fours. With over 280 Real Estate professionals in Luxembourg, we combine our global and local capabilities to meet our clients’ business needs.

What types of clients most frequently use your auditing services?

I focus on open and close ended alternative investment funds with investment targets in Europe, Asia and the US particularly within the Real Estate sector but also Infrastructure and debt.

You have recently been appointed as a new partner at EY. What does this promotion mean for your career in terms of responsibilities and opportunities?

Being appointed as a partner is a milestone that brings with it a higher level of accountability and the chance to make a lasting impact on the industry. Having worked in plazas like Madrid, London and Sydney enables me to better understand and address the needs of international players.

From your new position, what do you think you can offer to the rest of the Chamber’s members?

I am committed to unlock all the value that EY can bring to my fellow members’ organizations, acting as the first point of contact and responding quickly to their business needs. From my new position, I aim to enhance the synergy between EY and the Chamber’s members, particularly by leveraging my experience to deepen our engagement with Spanish businesses and stakeholders.