Second meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium

On 28 February, the Chamber organized the second meeting between Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium, which was attended by more than 20 participants.

On this occasion, we invited two Spanish entrepreneurs to share their experience and, above all, the problems they faced and continue to face when it comes to developing a commercial activity in the country.

The first guest was Ramón Suarez, founder of the Betacowork coworking space in Brussels. Ramón related the challenges he personally faced, highlighting the importance of achieving a solid network of contacts, knowing the local languages and having a series of reliable suppliers.

The second speaker was the entrepreneur Jorge Vidal, who launched nearly four years ago DomoSOS, a company dedicated to offering multi-service solutions for households. In his case, he found the key factor in orienting his business strategy towards customers´ satisfaction and offering services in various languages, which enabled him to diversify his customers.

The participants also had the opportunity to present their businesses or projects in Belgium to the attendees. The Chamber took the opportunity to present EmprendeBelux, a program aimed at supporting Spanish entrepreneurs in the country and designed to accompany them in launching their project and/or consolidating their businesses.