Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Virtual Breakfast-Debate with María Teresa Fábregas, Director Recovery and Resilience Task Force at the European Commission

On Thursday 1st October, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a new virtual breakfast debate in the framework of its “Business Circle” platform. The breakfast focused on “Recovery plans: sustainable growth” and María Teresa Fábregas, Director Recovery and Resilience Task Force at the European Commission was the guest speaker. Pablo […]

Meeting of the Forums Committee

On September 25th the third meeting of the year of the Forums Committee, a working group whose mission is to propose, organize and monitor the events organized by the Chamber, was organized telematically. During the meeting, which was chaired by Pablo López Álvarez (FTI Consulting), a balance of the latest events organized by the “business circle” […]

The Chamber and StepStone company have renewed their collaboration for the next 3 years

The Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg has renewed for the next 3 years its collaboration agreement with StepStone, a leading digital employment platform with more than 20 years of experience in the search of online workers, with the aim of helping all the users of the portal Empleobelux.com to find […]

National Security Council launches the risk management strategy

The National Security Council, enlarged to include the Minister-Presidents, met to discuss the work carried out by the evaluation unit (Celeval), who was asked to develop a longer-term vision of health risk management. The six golden rules remain the same: Respect the rules of hygiene To practise your activities preferably outdoors Think about vulnerable people […]

Virtual breakfast-debate with MEPs Pilar del Castillo and Lina Gálvez: Priorities of the Committee on Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)

On September 22nd, the Spanish Official Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg hosted a new event within the cycle “Breakfasts with the European Parliament”, a platform for meetings between Spanish companies and the European Parliament, on the “Priorities of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) for the new term”. The event was […]

Meeting of the Board of Directors

On September 18th the Board of Directors of the Chamber met telematically. During the meeting, a review was made of the current situation that the Chamber is going through as a result of the Covid-19, the Competition Committee and the Spanish Financial Forum were discussed and the next events and activities programmed were detailed. In […]

Online training course on “Preparing for the European Institutions competition tests”

Last Saturday 19th September, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized an online training course on “Preparing for the European Institutions competition tests” with its company member ORSEU. This 6-hour training course was aimed at graduates & professionals willing to work as a permanent civil servant in the European Institutions. This […]

The Chamber helps entrepreneurs to improve their business projects through the EYE programme.

Fernando Chico and Emanuel Lemus-Monge are two entrepreneurs who have worked together thanks to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) programme between July and September. Emanuel Lemus-Monge is one of the Chamber’s young entrepreneurs within the EYE programme. He enrolled in the programme in May of this year because he wanted to discover more about […]