Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons and Pablo López Álvarez, reelected respectively President and Vice President of the Chamber

The Board of Directors of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in their meeting organized on September 26th in Brussels, reelected unanimously Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons and Pablo López Álvarez as President and Vice President of the entity, respectively, for a period of three years. The President thanked the trust of the Board and […]

Information session on public aids for entrepreneurs in Brussels Region

Within the framework of EmprendeBeLux program,  the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with 1819, the information service for entrepreneurs in Brussels, organized an information session lastTuesday, September 24th from 6 pm to 7.30 pm in Spanish to inform about the different public aids for entrepreneurs in the Brussels region. […]

19/09 III Meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium

Third meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium On 19 September, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized the third meeting between Spanish entrepreneurs in Brussels, at the offices of Language Studies International, a company member of the Chamber. On this occasion, the meeting was focused on the training grants available for […]

Workshop on Visual storytelling for any kind of presentations

The past 17 and 18 September, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, organized the first edition of the “Workshop on Visual Thinking for everyone”. The course was given by the visual facilitator Alejandro Gil (Ale Listens and Draws), member of the EmprendeBeLux program. The objective of the workshop was to make the bases of […]

12/09 Breakfast-debate with Miguel Ceballos Barón, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Cecilia Malmström

On September 12th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with Air Europa, organized a breakfast-debate with Miguel Ceballos Barón, Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Cecilia Malmström, who presented “Between commercial wars, the EU and Mercosur conclude an historic agreement”. Different representatives from companies and institutions attended the event. […]

Forum Committee Meeting

On September 3rd , the Forum Committee, a working group whose aim is to offer, organize and follow the events of the Chamber, organized a meeting in the headquarters of the Chamber of Brussels. During the meeting, chaired by Pablo López Álvarez (Vicepresident of the Chamber), the last events organized by the “Business circle” platform […]

The Chamber launches the EmprendeBeLux’s website

Whilst the Chamber celebrates its first anniversary of EmprendeBeLux, a new website fully dedicated to the programme has just been launched. This initiative aims at giving visibility, networking and training to entrepreneurs and freelancers in Belgium and Luxembourg and that will be sponsored by ING Belgium. The new website offers a full range of free […]

ING: new sponsor of the EmprendeBeLux programme

The bank ING Belgium becomes the new sponsor of the programme EmprendeBeLux, an initiative of the Chamber aimed at Spanish entrepreneurs living in BeLux to help them starting up and consolidating their business. With well-stablished experience on the Belgian entrepreneurial ecosystem, ING Belgium offers a full range of services particularly aimed at those who are […]

10/03 Conference “Energy for Europe: Shaping future EU industry”

Repsol, member of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, has the pleasure to invite you to the 5th edition of the annual conference “Energy for Europe”. The event will take place the next Thursday October 3rd from 4pm to 8pm at the Solvay Library (Parc Léopold, Rue Belliard 137, Brussels). Several […]

21-22/09 Spain, guest country in the 19th edition of Folklorissimo festival in Brussels

Spain has been designated the guest of honour country in the 19th edition of the popular Folklorissimo Festival, based on the intellectual dialogue between folklore and traditions of Belgium and Spain. During the weekend of September 21 and 22, more than 100 artists and members of Spanish folkloric groups, as well as associations, autonomous communities […]