Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Kick-off meeting of the financial Commission of the Chamber in Luxembourg

Last 6th June, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized the kick-off meeting of the Financial Commission in the offices of EY in Luxembourg. Twenty partner companies from the Chamber participated in the meeting with activity related to the financial sector. With this working group, the Chamber aims to create a […]

Ingelia presents its HTC technology in Brussels within the Spain Means Innovation program

Last 4th June 219, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg , in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain in the Kingdom of Belgium, organized the conference “Spanish Science Diplomacy. Ingelia, the success of a Spanish business model in Belgium based on HTC technology” within the Spain Means Innovation program. During the […]

“Connecting you with the World of Finance” Seminar, organized in Madrid with the participation of Pierre Gramegna

The Vice-president of the Chamber, José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, and the Secretary General, María Catalán, participated in the seminar “Connecting you with the world of finance” organized the 4th June in Madrid by Luxembourg for Finance. The seminar was attended by Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance of Luxembourg, who presented his vision regarding Brexit, the […]

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs consortium meeting in Valencia

On the 29th and 30th of May, the Chamber participated in the consortium meeting for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) programme. This EC initiative that has been run by the Chamber for 3 years now has the objective to connect entrepreneurs across Europe and to promote the exchange of experiences among them. The meeting took place […]

30/05 Presentation of the EYE programme at the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Next 30 of May the Chamber will be presenting the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme (EYE) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The event will be oriented to entrepreneurs that want to learn fom experienced business owners or entrepreneurs interested in hosting a European entrepreneur in their companies. The Chamber will outline the possibilities that […]

Conference: “The Canary Islands: investment destination”

Last Tuesday 21st May, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized in collaboration with PROEXCA, a public company whose main objective is the attraction of strategic investments in the Canary Islands, a conference under the topic “The Canary Islands: investment destination”. The event aimed to inform Belgian companies of renewable energy, ICT, BPO, audiovisual sector and […]

10th Edition Workshop on Social Media Management for Business and European Projects

The 14th and 15th of March, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg held the tenth edition of the “Workshop on social media management for business and European projects”, a workshop that aims to increase the knowledge of the participants about the planning, management and analysis of social networks in the field of European […]

The Chamber has available various workspaces for rent in its headquarters in Brussels

The Chamber has available various workspaces for rent in its headquarters in Brussels, that are situated in the European district (Rue Belliard 20, 1040 Brussels). With capacity for one, two or three workstations (depending on the size of the office), the rental of workspaces includes the following services: Furnished and totally equipped space Access to […]

Sergio Galaso, new entrepreneur to join EmprendeBelux

Sergio Galaso, owner of Churros Valyser, has recently joined the Chamber through the programme EmprendeBelux, an initiative that aims at supporting Spanish entrepreneurs in Belgium and Luxembourg. After moving to Belgium, Sergio soon realized the business opportunity and decided to launch Churreria Valyser. Besides selling churros at his premises in Vilvoorde (Flanders) and with his food […]