Luncheon-debate with Agnieszka Bartol, Ambassador Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union

24apr12:3014:30Luncheon-debate with Agnieszka Bartol, Ambassador Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union

Event Details

Next 24th April, Thursday, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg is organising a luncheon-debate in the framework of its Business Circle tribune with the participation of Agnieszka Bartol, Ambassador Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union.

The event will take place in the Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place (Rue Auguste Orts, Grand Place 3-7, 1000 Bruxelles, Bélgica), from 12.30 to 14.30 p.m. More information on the topic of the lunch will be available soon.

The presentation will be in English. You can register for this luncheon in this link.

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24/04/2025 12:30 - 14:30(GMT+02:00)

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Price  87,00 120,00

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