27-28/11 Online training on “Communication for EU projects”


On 27th and 28th November, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will organise an online training on “Communication for European projects”, in collaboration with its member company Vision Communication Consultancy, member of Euromed Consulting Group.

This webinar hosted by the trainer Ramón Vila, Director of Vision Communication, is focused on providing branding, public affairs, marketing, communication or community engagement professionals with the keys to execute and evaluate a comprehensive and effective communication campaign for their agencies, organisations, EU programmes and European projects.

During the first session, a presentation of EU communication will be given with an explanation of the different EU projects currently in existence. The reality of consortia in European projects and the need to adapt the project communication and dissemination strategy to different contexts will be explored.

The second session will focus on project communication, exploring the management of social networks, AI solutions, the different communication products, and the need for proper event management.

Throughout both sessions, participants will have the opportunity to learn about examples of good and bad practices of communication in different European projects and how to effectively design and manage a communication strategy in different projects granted by the EU.

You can check the full programme of the course here.

Registration can be done by clicking below.

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