Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Business meeting of FEDECOM and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce

On 10 March a representation of the European Chambers that are part of the Federation of Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania (FEDECOM) travelled to Madrid for a meeting with the team in charge of the Integral Programme of Qualification and Employment (PICE) Management at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. The PICE […]

Wallonia and La Rioja strengthen business and institutional partnerships

Between 16 and 19 February, a delegation of the Walloon Region participated in an institutional journey to La Rioja, which aimed to establish local contacts and to identify business opportunities and collaboration between the two regions. The Walloon delegation was presided by the General Director of AWEX (l’Agence wallonne à l’exportation et aux Investissements étrangers), […]

Extension of the collaboration agreement with IBERIA – New On Business program

The Chamber is delighted to inform you that its collaboration agreement with IBERIA has been extended for one more year. IBERIA offers the following discounted fares to Spain and the America’s for the members of the Chamber: · 10% in economy class · 15% in business class You can access this offer through our Intranet. […]

Fernando Iwasaki Symposium – 15/16-02

On 15 and 16 February the first international symposium about the Peruvian writer Fernando Iwasaki took place at the Faculté de Lettres, Traduction et Communication at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). This event has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the ULB and the main Spanish and Peruvian institutions in Brussels (the Instituto Cervantes, […]

Participation of the Chamber in the International Network Lunch L’Espagne, organized by CCI

The event counted on the collaboration of the Belgian and Luxembourgian Chamber Commerce in Spain and took place at the headquarters of the CCI Brabant Wallon in the city of Nivelles, on February, 4th. As an initiative from Jacques Glorieux, Vice-President of the Belgian Chambers of Commerce abroad and member of the Board of Directors of the bilateral chamber […]

Presentation of the Navarra Capital’s Economic Magazine in Brussels

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has the pleasure to invite you on Tuesday 23 February at 6PM at the headquarters of the Chamber (Rue Belliard 20 – 1º, 1040 Brussels) for the presentation of the Navarra Capital’s Economic Magazine in Brussels, with the collaboration of Navarra’s Government, the Economic Planning Director, Izaskun Goñi, and the […]

Belgium continues to be an attractive location for investment

In the light of the recent security events and misrepresentations in some media, the international business community in Belgium feels that it is important to state that Belgium remains an attractive place for investments, a safe place to do business and a great place to live. As representatives of the international business community, which directly […]

The Spanish Tourist Office invites you to the Salon des Vacances in Brussels

Spain will be present at the Salon des Vacances in Brussels from 4 to 8 February in Brussels Expo. At the booth, located in Hall 5, you will be able to discover the selection that offers you more than 60 destinations and entities that have moved up here to offer you all the information you […]

New Year’s Cocktail

On 27 January 2016, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg celebrated its New Year’s Cocktail. The cocktail counted on the attendance of the Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, Carlos de Lojendio y Pardo Manuel de Villena and Eduardo Ruíz, Secretary General of the Court of Auditors. Furthermore, many members of the […]

Member breakfast meeting – 25 February

The “Member breakfasts” are an initiative of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg in order to promote the networking and to encourage the generation of business opportunities among its member companies. It is a free and exclusive activity for the Chamber’s members. Due to the wide variety of sectors to which […]