2020 Ibérica Expo Amsterdam

The first edition of the 2020 Ibérica Expo Amsterdam fair, leading event on the food and wines sectors of Spain, took place on January 13th , 14th and 15th . During these three days, Ibérica Expo brought to the Netherlands a selection of Spanish companies from the agri-food sector with the objective of giving them visibility and putting them in contact with potential distributors in BeNeLux. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg collaborated in this initiative identifying and coordinating the participation of the importing companies of BeNeLux.

In addition, on Tuesday 14th a debate about the opportunities and challenges of the import and distribution of food and beverages for the BeNeLux market took place in which Mathias Verbeke, commercial of the member company JOKA and The Cortador Academy, participated.


Ibérica was created with the objective of promoting the Spanish food and drinks industry on a global level through different fairs and events. The events by Ibérica Expo, worldwide leaders in the commercial fairs sector, help with the promotion of the Spanish manufacturers that represent the Spanish gastronomic excellence.




Networking dinner with Diego Ávalos, Vice President of Original Content in Spanish of Netflix

On December 11th, Netflix, in collaboration with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, organized a networking dinner with Diego Ávalos, Vice President of Original Content in Spanish of Netflix to celebrate the opening of the company’s new offices at the European quarter of Brussels.

The event, which was aimed at a select group of guests among the Spanish community in Belgium, included, among others, the participation of the Ambassador of Spain in Belgium, Hon. Mrs. Beatriz Larrotcha Palma, business executives, representatives of European institutions and Spanish public entities.

The President of the Chamber, Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons, welcomed the attendees and reviewed Netflix’s career and the evolution of the creative industries sector in Spain during the last few years. Subsequently, a trailer was screened with a preview of the upcoming Netflix productions in Spanish.

Then, Esperanza Ibáñez, Director of Public Policies for Spain and Portugal of Netflix, moderated an interview with Diego Ávalos.

Ávalos began by briefly reviewing his professional career to explain how he had joined the Netflix team. After its introduction, the Vice President of Netflix explained what is the company’s position regarding Spain. Indeed, the country is positioned as the main production hub of Spanish contents for the company, due to the fact that, since its arrival in the country, Netflix has made 26 original productions and has participated in 40 Spanish co-productions, such as “Elite”, “Cable Girls”or “Money Heist”. This is largely thanks to the great wealth found in Spain, not only in an artistic sense, but also in the diversity of cultures and landscapes.

The presentation continued with the introduction of the new European Production Hub in Madrid, which opened last April in the city of Tres Cantos. Ávalos highlighted the importance of the investment of the opening of this new center in Spain, as it translates into economic and social benefits for the country: only in 2018, 13,000 actors, technicians and extras participated in original Netflix projects and, in 2019, this number will increase by more than 50%, reaching the figure of 25,000.

To end his speech, Digo Ávalos spoke about the future challenges of the audio-visual sector. On the one hand, the need to boost female talent in Spain, a challenge that they want to face by developing specific programs for directors and screenwriters, as well as projects that aim to promote a greater diversity of stories and people who work in front and behind the camera. On the other hand, the focus on the challenge of promoting quality work opportunities. Ávalos emphasized the shortage of professionals in certain fields (eg post-production) and showed Netflix’s goal to boost the audio-visual content production sector in Spain to generate new job opportunities.

After the presentation, a round of questions began in which attendees asked about the film industry, the commercial opportunities that Netflix could offer to other companies or the magnitude of the impact of the company at a local level.

The event closed with a walking dinner in which participants had the opportunity to taste Spanish products and network.


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14 young interns will enjoy a professional stay in Brussels thanks to the “Diputación Europa” grants

A total of 14 young interns from the province of Cáceres will enjoy a professional stay in Brussels thanks to the “Diputación Europa” program, a new iniciative of the provincial government of Cáceres that aims to facilitate labor integration of young people in companies and institutions related with European affairs.

On November 28th, coinciding with their first week in the European capital, the young recipients of the “Diputación Europa” grant took part in a welcoming day at the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg. The internships will last 6 months and will count with a permanent formative programme that will allow them to improve their knowledge in foreign languages and European affairs.

The provincial government signed a technical assitance contract with Sulayr, a company with wide experience in management of European programmes and international mobility. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg acts as collaborating entity in the management of this programme in Brussels, offering constant support to the trainees during their professional stay and organizing formative sessions.

Precisely, the first session was taught by the Secretary General of the Chamber, María Catalán, and it dealt with the role that Spanish institutions in Brussels play with different organizations of the European Union.

Presentation of the services and programmes of the Chamber at the University of Antwerp

On November 19th the Secretary General of the Official Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, María Catalán, participated in a conference organized by the University of Antwerp.

During the conference, which was aimed at the Spanish students from different university degrees, María Catalán presented the bilateral commerce figures between Belgium and Spain and the role that the Chamber plays for Spanish companies in Belgium.

Moreover, the Secretary General informed students about the projects that the Chamber develops in relation to employment and entrepreneurship, highlighting the European programme Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, in which the Chamber acts as local contact point in Belgium and has as objective the promotion of exchanges of experiences between entrepreneurs in Europe.


The President of the Chamber participates at the award ceremony of the XXV Premio Marqués de Villalobar

On 28th October, the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxembourg in Spain and the Spanish-Dutch Business Forum awarded their XXV Premio Marqués de Villalobar to the Prado National Museum during a gala dinner in the Muses room of the Madrid art gallery.

This Award is a recognition to the professional excellence that is given to a personality or institution that has stood out remarkably contributing to a better understanding between the nations that the association represents, promoting and deepening the economic, political, scientific and cultural relations, always with the idea of a united Europe.

This year the Jury unanimously considered that the Prado National Museum, which today celebrates the Bicentennial of its foundation, was the ideal candidate with whom to celebrate the silver jubilee of the Award for several important reasons: the museum houses the best collection of Flemish painting in the world; in these two hundred years, the Madrid art gallery has fostered the cultural ties that have united our societies throughout history; and finally, each time a painting from the Prado travels to another country to participate in an exhibition, it is also an ambassador of the best that our countries have: their rich culture, alien to political ups and downs. This is the extraordinary thing about Art, its universal essence and its capacity to transcend borders and languages.

The event was chaired by Mr. Yves Verhamme, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxembourg in Spain and the Hispano-Netherlands Business Forum, and was attended by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, H.E. Mr. Marc Calcoen; the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, H.E. Mrs. Michèle Pranchère-Tomassini; the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Belgium, H.E. Mrs. Beatriz Larrotcha Palma; the former Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Belgium, H.E. Mrs. Cecilia Yuste Rojas; and the Illustrious Sir José Saavdera Ligne, Marquess of Villalobar. The President of the Chamber, Mr Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons also participated in the event.

Before dinner, attendees enjoyed a private guided tour of the Museum’s fabulous Flemish painting rooms.

The President’s welcome speech, accompanied by a glass of crémant de Luxembourg, offered by the Grand Duchy Embassy, opened the award ceremony.

The award was collected by Mr. Miguel Falomir Faus, Director of the Prado National Museum.

Presentation of JobYourself: become a freelancer without risks in Brussels Region

Within the framework of the program EmprendeBeLux, The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with JobYourself, a cooperative of activities of the Brussels-Capital Region, organized last 21st of November a presentation of said institution mainly aimed at unemployed people who have a business idea and complementary freelancers. The attendees had the chance to learn about this cooperative, which offers assistance in the development and testing of entrepreneurial projects in the market, as well as the other services that it offers.

Through the EmprendeBeLux Program the Chamber aims to support Spanish people in BeLux on their long way to becoming an entrepreneur and accompany them through the consolidation of their business.


Programme sponsored by:

Casa Valonia, an initiative to strengthen the relations between Spain and Wallonia

On November 6th and 7th, the Representation of the Wallon Region of the Belgian Embassy in Madrid organized the event “Casa Valonia” at the prestigious Carlos de Antwerp Foundation in Madrid. This initiative, with an extensive program of activities, had as its main objective to strengthen the relations between the Wallon Region and Spain in the cultural, social and business areas.

Among the planned activities, the General Secretary of the Offical Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg, María Catalán, participated in the seminar “Investing in Wallonia” and in the 2019 Wallonia Awards, both organized on November 7th.

Through the seminar “Investing in Wallonia” the region was presented as an investment destination in the logistic sector. The event, which had a high audience of representatives of Spanish companies was held by Pascale Delcomminette, General Administrator of AWEX, and Elsa Salvadores Janssen, Deputy Managing Director of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid. The program was attended by Karelle Lambert, Director of the European area at AWEX, Franck Toussaint, Logistic Expert at AWEX and Rafael Álvarez Campa, Legal Partner of Everest Law. Rafael Álvarez Campa presented the tax incentives for direct investment and innovative entrepreneurship. Finally, the Commercial and Operations Director of CACESA. Rodrigo Peñas, presented his case of success in the establishment of his company in Wallonia.

During the dinner organized on November 7th, the 2019 Wallonia Awards were celebrated. Among the winners in the different categories, there were awarded El Corte Inglés, the Association of Former Students in Belgium and Belgian Friends and the company CACESA.

Second meeting of the EURES network

Last October 15th and 16th the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated in the second meeting of the EURES network that took place in Brussels.

Several European national employment agencies, different representatives of the European Commission and the recently incorporated partners of the network attended the event. Attendees had the chance to get to know cases of success and celebrate the 25th anniversary of EURES.

Moreover, through the workshops, attendees were able to discover the good practices of other organizations and propose their suggestions to improve the services that EURES offers.

The Chamber, as new partner of the network in Belgium, presented its employment platform, EmpleoBeLux, which is aimed at Spanish people in search of employment opportunities in BeLux.

10/03 Conference “Energy for Europe: Shaping future EU industry”

Repsol, member of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, has the pleasure to invite you to the 5th edition of the annual conference “Energy for Europe”. The event will take place the next Thursday October 3rd from 4pm to 8pm at the Solvay Library (Parc Léopold, Rue Belliard 137, Brussels).

Several issues will be covered in the “Energy for Europe: Shaping future EU industry” conference, for instance, the protection of the competitiveness of the European industry, the potential risks and opportunities for a transitioning industry or the guarantee of social equitability during this transition.

The keynote speech will be delivered by a high-level European Commission representative. Hereafter, multiple experts in the topic will take part in a panel discussion.

Should you wish to register, please reply through this link.

We are looking forward to your participation.

21-22/09 Spain, guest country in the 19th edition of Folklorissimo festival in Brussels

Spain has been designated the guest of honour country in the 19th edition of the popular Folklorissimo Festival, based on the intellectual dialogue between folklore and traditions of Belgium and Spain. During the weekend of September 21 and 22, more than 100 artists and members of Spanish folkloric groups, as well as associations, autonomous communities and Spanish and Belgian companies, will offer a wide and diverse representation of folklore, gastronomy and traditions of Spain at the Grand Place of Brussels.

Attendees will enjoy a folklore of contemporary interpretation, which reflects the advanced social and cultural values ​​that Belgium and Spain share in matters of gender, sexual identity, youth or environmental sensitivity, with performances by Ball de Pastorets (Catalonia), Agrupación de Danzas de la Virgen de las Nieves (Cantabria), Centro Asturiano de Bruselas (Asturias), Fetén Fetén (Castile and León), Iñaki Plaza (Basque Country – Galicia), Cant d’Estil Valencià (Valencia), Sara Calero (Andalusia), Loockingback (Extremadura and Castile-La Mancha) and Fernando López (Andalusia).

The Spanish programme is organized by the  Spanish Embassy in Belgium. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg collaborates in this initiative coordinating the participation of Spanish companies. The gastronomy offer will be guaranteed by Mediterranea Food and EventsWine Tales Restaurant and Pintxos BarChurros Valyser and Alma Envero (extra virgin olive oil). Moreover, the brand Lolitos, which is specialized in bags and espadrilles, will also be present in the event. The Autonomous Community of Cantabria will have a stand where they will exhibit their turistic offer, their culture and some of their typical products, such as anchovies.

Collaborating companies: