5th edition of the SFF Magazine: ESG, talent attraction and structuring funds in Luxembourg

The 5th edition of the SFF Magazine is now available. This publication is produced by the Chamber in the framework of its Committee “Spanish Financial Forum”, focused on the financial sector.

The SFF Magazine is a sectoral publication targeted towards all those professionals working in the financial services industry who wish to be informed of legislative news, trends and business development opportunities between Spain and Luxembourg within this sector.

This publication is quarterly published both in Spanish and English, and it is distributed for free in digital format. The contents are provided by members of the SFF and financial stakeholders in both countries.

This new issue contains:

  • Conversation with José Manuel Campa, Chairperson of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
  • An opinion section focusing on ESG: are asset managers ready for the new challenges? In collaboration with FTI Consulting, GAM Investments and Quintet Private Bank, Luxembourg.
  • Quarterly dossier dedicated to Training & Human Resources. The topic is approached from the perspective of the job opportunities offered by Luxembourg in the financial sector, and the attraction of international talent. It also includes examples of best practices and legislative developments affecting the sector.

The dossier includes the following articles:

  • Talent attraction: a change of perspective”, in collaboration with Lombard International Assurance.
  • “CSSF introduces rules on telework”, in collaboration with Simmons & Simmons Luxembourg LLP.
  • “RBC NextGen”, in collaboration with RBC IS Bank Luxembourg.
  • “Homeworking: are you ready for the end of the social and fiscal tolerances related to the health crisis?”, in collaboration with SD Worx.
  • Articles:
    • “Structuring funds in Luxembourg: when attractiveness meets efficiency”, in collaboration with the CMS Luxemburgish and Spanish Fund Platform.
  • A section with current information from SFF members and collaborators.


View HERE the fifth edition of the SFF Magazine.

You can subscribe HERE to the SFF Magazine.

Luncheon-debate with José Manuel Campa, Chairperson of the European Banking Authority (EBA)

On 15 June, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium Luxembourg held a new luncheon-debate at the Cercle Münster in Luxembourg, which was attended by José Manuel Campa, Chairman of the European Banking Authority (EBA). The event was entitled “The major challenges for European banking in the current environment”.

A wide range of people attended the event, including executives from Spanish banks, consultancy firms and public bodies.

The event was opened by the President of the Chamber, Pablo López-Álvarez, who took the opportunity to thank all those present for their attendance. He then highlighted Campa’s extensive career, highlighting his experience as Secretary of State for the Economy at the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance and at Banco Santander as Global Head of Regulatory Affairs at Banco Santander. López-Álvarez also stressed the importance of monetary policies and banking regulations.

Campa took the floor and began his speech with a brief summary of the situation in recent years, since he took over the European Banking Authority in 2019 until today, emphasising the challenges of having to move the EBA headquarters from the UK to Paris at the beginning of his mandate due to the situation created by Brexit, in order to keep it within the EU.

Origins of EBA

After the introduction, the speaker went on to talk about the origins of his institution, which date back to 2011 as a consequence of the 2008 economic crisis, and proceeded to explain his role, which, in general terms, is to build a greater Europe from the banking sector.

He went on to talk about how the banks handled the pandemic situation, explaining that it turned out better than expected and reported that bankruptcy has decreased over the years.

However, Campa also placed particular emphasis on the current problems in the supply chain, which is not functioning properly and supply is not keeping up with demand. He concluded his speech by addressing the current banking problems related to the war that is generating a series of disruptive changes in the environment.

To conclude his speech, the president of the EBA explained the two major challenges facing the banking environment, which are technological changes (Fintech) and climate change.

The presentation was followed by a question and answer session where participants were able to express their opinions and raise different issues related to the presentation.

La presentación fue seguida de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en la que los participantes pudieron expresar sus opiniones y plantear diferentes cuestiones relacionadas con la presentación.


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4th edition of the SFF Magazine

The fourth issue of the SFF Magazine is now available. This publication is produced by the Chamber in the framework of its Committee “Spanish Financial Forum”, focused on the financial sector.

The SFF Magazine is a sectoral publication targeted towards all those professionals working in the financial services industry who wish to be informed of legislative news, trends and business development opportunities between Spain and Luxembourg within this sector.

This publication is quarterly published both in Spanish and English, and it is distributed for free in digital format. The contents are provided by members of the SFF and financial stakeholders in both countries.
This new issue contains:

  • Editorial by Bernardo de Sicart Escoda, Ambassador of Spain to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • An opinion section focusing on Crypto-assets: a short-term trend or a paradigm shift? In collaboration with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Now Partnets.
  • Quarterly dossier dedicated to Trends in Wealth Management. The topic is covered from the perspective of professionals involved in the Luxembourg wealth management industry, including contributions from CA Indosuez Wealth Management, CMS Luxembourg, Lombard International Assurance S.A. y Octogone Europe S.A. The dossier is completed by an article on “the private banker’s role in wealth transfer planning” provided by the Banque de Luxembourg.
  • Articles:
    • Investment Financial Advisors (IFAs) in Spain, in collaboration with ASEAFI.
  • A section with current information from SFF members and collaborators.

View HERE the third edition of the SFF Magazine.

You can subscribe HERE to the SFF Magazine.

Members´ afterwork in Luxembourg

On 21 April, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised the first afterwork between members of the year in Luxembourg. The event took place at the Meliá Luxembourg Hotel and gathered more than 40 representatives of partner companies.

This face-to-face meeting enabled the exchange of contacts and networking among the members of the Chamber in the Grand Duchy. The Vice-president of Luxembourg, Joseba Arriortua, gave some words of welcome and passed the floor to the Secretary General, who then detailed the next activities planned by the delegation. She also took the opportunity to put herself at the disposal of the partners and to continue promoting initiatives of common interest.

From the Chamber, we would like to thank Bodegas Nabal for sponsoring the wines served during the event, Valle del Nabal Ribera del Duero and Nabal Rosé.

11/06 2nd Edition doubles paddle tennis tournament in Luxembourg

On 24th September 2022, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg in collaboration with Letz Make it Padel is organising a second edition of the paddle tennis tournament in pairs that will bring together the expat community in Luxembourg with the aim of promoting networking among its network of contacts.

Each participant will receive a sports T-shirt and will be part of a raffle of Spanish products. After the tournament, participants will be able to enjoy a networking cocktail as well as to attend the trophy ceremony.

You can register via the following link.

Procedure for the recruitment of a service provider to act as a delegate for the Chamber’s Luxembourg Delegation

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg launches a procedure for the recruitment of a service provider for its Delegation in Luxembourg.

Detailed information can be found in the terms and conditions. Proposals must be sent to the e-mail address of the Chamber’s General Secretariat (secretariogeneral@e-camara.com) no later than the following date and time: Friday 17 December 2021 at 18:00. Bids arriving after the deadline for submission of bids will not be considered.

Likewise, information on the procedure can be requested by sending an email to secretariogeneral@e-camara.com indicating in the subject “Call for tenders Luxembourg”.

Members’ Cocktail in Luxembourg

Last Wednesday 1st December, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a cocktail among members in Luxembourg. The event took place at the Meliá Luxembourg Hotel and gathered more than 40 representatives of member companies.

This face-to-face meeting facilitated the exchange of contacts and networking among the members of the Chamber in the Grand Duchy. The Secretary General, Marta González, gave a speech in which she acknowledged the excellent work done by the outgoing Vice-president, José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, in favour of the Chamber’s activity in Luxembourg and more specifically in the framework of the Spanish Financial Forum. She also took the opportunity to put herself at the disposal of the members, to continue promoting initiatives of common interest.

From the Chamber, we would like to give a special thanks to Bodegas Ayuso  for sponsoring the wines that were served during the event, Estola Crianza 2018 and Estola Verdejo.


Digital ICT Week

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network, together with Farvest Group, will organise the 2nd edition of the Digital ICT Week that will take place on 13 – 17 September 2021. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will once again be an official partner of this event.

The Digital ICT Week, built around the ICT Spring tech conference in Luxembourg, will encompass a rich and varied programme to keep its promise to showcase the best tech trends and provide growth opportunities for start-ups and SMEs through its highlight events, such as

  • the Digital Summit
  • the virtual tech visits
  • the International Business Meetings by b2fair
  • and much more…

To register and find more information on the event, kindly consult the website HERE.

This year, the event will be hybrid, offering the possibility to interested companies to participate virtually or physically in the event. Startups interested to participate as exhibitor in the ICT Spring can benefit from a preferential rate of 300 EUR. This offer includes:The participation in the DIGITAL ICT Week is free of charge.

  • The logo or the name of each startup of all communication supports
  • Logo link of the company on the ICT Spring website
  • 4m² stand in the startup’s village – Equipment, including a table and two chairs
  • 2 tickets for the startup team
  • Participation in the International matchmaking meetings by b2fair

In case of interest, please contact us: luxemburgo@e-camara.com

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg elects new president

After its annual general meeting, the new board of directors of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg today unanimously elected Pablo López-Alvarez as president for the next three years. Pablo López-Alvarez, director of the consulting group FTI Consulting and currently vice president of the Chamber, succeeds Juan Rodriguez Villa (Aspro Parks Group), who held the presidency for the last 11 years.

After his election, the new President expressed his “gratitude and honor for the appointment” and his commitment “to, together with the renewed Board of Directors, ensure continuity of the great work carried out by the Chamber under the leadership of my predecessor.”

“My priority is to continue promoting the dual role of the Chamber, as a facilitator of investment and commercial flows on a bilateral level, and as a platform for dialogue between Spanish companies and European institutions. All these activities will be pursued in an environment that is  constantly evolving as a result of the acceleration of digital transformation, decarbonisation and new hybrid work models,” said López-Alvarez.

“Belgium has traditionally been one of the main destinations for Spanish exports, but given its dynamism and openness, it is a market that offers room for growth and new opportunities for our companies, which we must take advantage of. The same can be said of Luxembourg, which, after Brexit, has seen its leadership as a financial hub strengthened”, highlighted the new President.

“On the other hand, we cannot ignore the fact that the Chamber is located in the capital of Europe and that far-reaching and transformative initiatives are currently being developed in Brussels such as the Green Deal, the revision of digital regulations, the redefinition of trade relations with the United States and China, and the development of environmental and social taxonomies or recovery plans. It is crucial that Spanish companies contribute actively. The Chamber is already channelling that contribution, but there is no doubt that we can do more. We must also serve as a transmission belt to help Spanish companies anticipate new trends and opportunities that may arise from political or regulatory decisions at the European level,” added López-Alvarez.

In his farewell Juan Rodriguez-Villa, who has served as president for 16 years, during two different stages, declared: “It has been a great honor to be president of this Chamber and to be able to defend and promote the interests of Spanish companies in Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as to project the Brand Spain (Marca España) in the capital of Europe. I leave with a feeling of duty accomplished. Thanks to the great work of our board of directors and our team, I think I can say, with all modesty but also with special pride, that I am leaving the Chamber at the best moment in its history and with great potential for development ahead”.

The Chamber’s management team counts with two new vicepresidents: Abelardo García (BBVA), representing Belgium and Joseba Arriortua, representing the Delegation in Luxembourg. The Board of Directors is completed by representatives of the following companies: ArcelorMittal, Aspro Parks Group, Atrevia, BBVA, everis (NTT Data), GA-P, Iberdrola, Indra, LaLiga, Mercadona, Meteora, One Life, Racine, Santander or Telefonica.





Board of Directors Meeting

On May 28th the Board of Directors of the Chamber held a telematic meeting.
During the meeting, a review of the actions developed by the Delegation of Luxembourg was made, the activities carried out within the framework of the Competition Commission, the Spanish Financial Forum and the Forums Commission were discussed and the next scheduled events were detailed.

The Board of Directors also approved the annual accounts for the 2020 financial year for presentation at the General Assembly Meeting to be held on June 24.