Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Breakfast-debate with Lluis Saurí, Head of Unit of the Economists Team of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission

On Thursday, 19 January, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg held, within the framework of its Working Committee “Competence Spain“, a hybrid breakfast-debate with Lluís Saurí Romero, Head of Unit of the Economists Team of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission (DG COMP). The presentation was on “Competition policy, […]

In memoriam – Antonio Corpas

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Antonio Corpas, member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber and CEO of OneLife, passed away last Saturday, 7 January, at the early age of 54. Antonio joined the OneLife Group in 2008 as Head of Legal and Tax Affairs and Group General Counsel, […]

MobiliseSME strengthens the European entrepreneurial ecosystem

Jeniffer and John are specialist in digital marketing and the founders of SocioFy, an agency from United Kingdom that creates marketing solutions for SMEs and supports them in their digitalization change. On the other hand, Edgard is an entrepreneur who promotes growth, training and networking among entrepreneurs around the world through his Portuguese company International […]

The Chamber will be closed from 23 December to 3 January

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023! We would like to inform you that the Chamber will be closed from 23 December until 3 January due to the festive season. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Bankinter Luxembourg, chosen as “Company of the year 2022”

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg recognises, in the VIII Edition of its “Company of the Year” awards, the great track record of Bankinter Luxembourg, which landed ten years ago in the Grand Duchy to complement its private banking strategy. Through this award, the Chamber aims to contribute once again this […]

The Chamber presented the EYE and MobiliseSME programmes at the SME Open Day in Luxembourg

On November 30th, the Chamber participated in the SME Open Day 2022, an annual initiative organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg during the European SME week. This year, the event was focused on the three key areas of entrepreneurship, development and financing. More than 200 attendees had the opportunity to discover the actions and […]

The Chamber presents its activities to 50 students from the Mondragon University

Last Wednesday 23rd November, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated as a speaker in a conference for 50 students of the first year of the degree in Business Administration and Management of the Mondragon University. In the presentation, which took place in the Delegation of the Basque Country for the […]