Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Second edition of the SFF Magazine

The second issue of the SFF Magazine, a publication produced by the Chamber in the framework of its Committee “Spanish Financial Forum”, focused on the financial sector, is now available. The SFF Magazine is a sectoral publication targeted towards all those professionals working in the financial services industry who wish to be informed of legislative news, […]

General Assembly Meeting 2021

Last Thursday, June 24th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg held its Ordinary General Assembly. Due to the current sanitary restrictions caused by the COVID-19, the Assembly was held for the first time in a hybrid format.+ After the agenda was read out, the President of the Chamber, Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons, […]

Online Breakfast-debate with José Antonio Zamora, Coordinating Counselor for Trade of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU

On Wednesday 16 of June, 2021, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized another virtual debate in the scope of its platform “Business Circle”, a meeting platform between Spanish companies to their institutional representatives. In this debate took part José Antonio Zamora, Coordinating Counsellor for Trade of the Permanent Representation of […]

MobiliseSME programme, giving SME’s staff the opportunity to travel and develop cross-border partnerships in current times

Beata Vlnková and Rudi Verhoest are the owners of two companies who started collaborating through the MobiliseSME programme at the end of March 2021.   Beata has travelled from Slovakia to Belgium to partner up with Rudi during six months in the wine business sector.  They have joined forces to develop their projects, each bringing their own expertise to the table. Although it isn´t easy during the current situation, their collaboration is bringing out the best in both.   Beata is the President of the Association […]

Webinar “European Tenders and Opportunities as an Expert”

On the 6th, 7th and 8th July the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, organised the webinar “European Tenders and Opportunities as an Expert”. During the three days our member Karine Brück, founding partner of Karine Bruck International (Ecosolve SL), shared her experience on European tenders with the participants. On the first […]

Webinar on “EU Funding Week for non-profit organizations- Project Management”

On May 27th and June 1st and 3rd, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized the training on “European Funding for Non-Profit Organizations – Project Management” in collaboration with FondosEuropeos.eu and LocalEurope. During these three days of virtual sessions, the best tools and competences to access and manage European funds in […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Nicolás González Casares, MEP, Member of the Special Committee on Beating Cancer and of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and substitute for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

On 2nd of June 2021, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a virtual debate within the scope of its platform “Desayunos con la Eurocámara”(Breakfast with the EuroChamber), created with the aim of bringing the EU Parliament´s debates closer to Spanish companies. As part of these debates, the MEP Nicolás González Casares, member of the […]

Webinar on “Teleworking from Spain” 

On May 19th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a webinar on “Teleworking from Spain” in collaboration with its member companies BakerTilly, Pro-Pay and Racine, with the participation of Bert Dehandschutter, partner of the law firm Racine, An De Wever, legal advisor and Inge Janssens, legal and immigration director, both […]

The Chamber presented Young Entrepreneurs’ fuck up stories: Partners and partnerships at StartIt KBC 

On May 12th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised the online presentation “Young Entrepreneurs’ fuck up stories: Partners and partnerships” together with the start-ups’ incubator Start it @KBC, in the framework of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE), in collaboration with the member company Vision Communication Consultancy.  The “Young Entrepreneurs’ fuck up stories” presentation focused on the fact that starting […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Javier Moreno Sánchez, MEP of the Group Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats of the European Parliament.

On Tuesday the 11th of May, 2021 the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized another virtual debate in the scope of its platform “Desayunos con la Eurocámara”(Breakfast with the Eurochamber), created with the objective to bring the EU Parliament debates closer to Spanish companies. As part of this debates MEP Javier […]