Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Meeting of the Forums Committee

On Thursday, December 17th, the fourth meeting of the Forums Committee took place online. The main functions of this working group are the proposal, the organization, and the supervision of all the events organized by the Chamber. During the meeting, which was chaired by Pablo López Álvarez (FTI Consulting), an assessment was made of the […]

Meeting of the Board of Directors

On 16 December last, the Board of Directors of the Chamber met remotely. During the meeting, a review was made of the current situation that the Chamber is going through as a result of theCOVID-19, the Competition Committees and the Spanish Financial Forum, two new working Committees recently created by the Chamber, were discussed, and […]

Webinar: “Towards new urban mobility: new alternatives to the automobile, digital technologies and transport innovations”

Last Friday December 4th, the Cultural and Scientific Department of the Spanish Embassy in Belgium, and the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, with the collaboration of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the Spanish Office of Science and Technology (SOST) organized the third edition of the “Mediodías de la Embajada”, within the framework of […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Ricard Ramón i Sumoy, Deputy Head of Unit of DG Agriculture of the European Commission and Mazaly Aguilar, Vice-president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament

On Thursday December 3rd 2020, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a new virtual breakfast-debate within the framework of its “Business Circle” platform. The breakfast focused on “Towards a new agri-food model. The implications of the ‘From Farm to Fork’ strategy in the Spanish agri-food sector”. Ricard Ramón i Sumoy, […]

General Assembly of FEDECOM

On November 25th, the General Assembly of the Network of Official Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, FEDECOM, held an extraordinary meeting, attended by representatives of 23 Chambers, spread over the 4 continents. The Assembly, chaired by Eduardo Barrachina (President of the Chamber in the United Kingdom), was attended by Cristina Olazabal, […]

Workshop on “Erasmus+ KA2 Project: Ready to get funded”

On November 24th and 25th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with its member company CWC Consulting, organized a workshop on “Erasmus + KA2 Project: Prepare to receive funding”, which was given by Paloma Cantero, CEO of the company and expert in European affairs, European financing and network development. The […]

New collaboration with the business association Agoria

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg is starting a new series of collaboration with Agoria, a Belgian association that brings together more than 1600 technology companies and whose main objective is to provide its member companies with personalized advice, access to market studies and a network of companies interested in collaborate in the field of technological […]

COVID-19: The Concertation Committee gives green light to the opening of non-essential shops and specifies the coronavirus control measures for the Christmas season

On November 27th, the Concertation Committee discussed the epidemiological situation in Belgium. Despite the slight improvement in the health situation, the country remains at Covid alert level 4. The Concertation Committee took the following decisions: Reopening of shops under strict conditions: Non-essential shops can reopen from 1 December 2020. However, strict hygiene conditions will apply: […]

Webinar: Insurtech report: Discovering Future of Insurance

On November 26th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a webinar on ‘Insurtech report: discovering the future of insurance’ in collaboration with its member company everis. The event took place within the framework of the Spanish Financial Forum, a committee of the Chamber focused on the financial services industry. Marta […]