Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

General Assembly FEDECOM

The consequences of the pandemic affect specifically to the Chambers abroad, whose financial structure corresponds to non-profit organizations, which due to their official status they represent Spain, lacking of administrative resources and are managed by the representatives of associated companies. The cancellation of activities, the withdrawal of members, sponsorships and other sources of income, give […]

The entrepreneurial spirit in the times of COVID

José Serrano and Jaime Kelly are two entrepreneurs who were working together thanks to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) program before the COVID-19 crisis started. They share with us their experience and how this crisis has affected them. José Serrano is the founder of Dlinea and one of the Spanish Chamber’s hosting entrepreneurs within […]

Breakfast-Debate with the MEPs Pablo Arias and Adriana Maldonado

On May 20th, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg hosted an event as part of the “Breakfasts with the European Parliament” cycle, a platform for meetings between Spanish companies and the European Parliament, on the priorities of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) for the new legislature. Members of the […]

Covid-19 bonus for companies in Brussels

COVID-19 premium The measures taken to counter the spread of the coronavirus are having unprecedented consequences for the economic activity. The Region supports companies that have temporarily closed their doors and are work in certain sectors of activity. Under certain conditions, you can benefit from a bonus of 4,000 € per establishment in the Region. […]

Webinar LaLiga on “With the development of society through football”

On May 13th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg hosted a webinar on “With the development of society through football”, in collaboration with its member company LaLiga. The aim of this webinar was to present and explain the different social, educational and sportive projects of LaLiga, as well as the new […]

Webinar on “Writing for the web”

On May 8th, the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a webinar on “Writing for the web”, in collaboration with Manuel Pueyo of the company Bigkids, member of the EmprendeBelux program. The webinar had more than 40 participants. Nowadays, the web pages offer the opportunity to reach out to more […]