Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

New measures adopted in Brussels and Wallonia to fight the Covid-19 virus

In view of the gravity of the second wave of the epidemic in Wallonia, the governments of Wallonia and the Walloon-Brussels Federation, in agreement with the governors of the five Walloon provinces, have adopted a series of measures in addition to those decided by the Federal Coordination Committee on October 23. These measures enter into […]

New measures adopted in Luxembourg to fight the Covid-19 virus

The Luxembourgish government has adopted new measures addition to the already existing ones. They are of three types and will apply during one month. A curfew will be applied between 23h and 6h. At that time, you will have to be at home. Residents will have to organize themselves: 23h will not be the time […]

The Chamber presented the EYE programme at the University of Antwerp

On the 22nd of October, the Chamber presented the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme to 24 masters students of the University of Antwerp. The objective of this online session was on one hand, to discuss with the students about entrepreneurship and what does to be an entrepreneur mean. And on the other hand, to help […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Clara Martínez Alberola, Deputy head of the ‘Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom’ (UKTF)

Last Friday, October 23rd, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a new session of its online Breakfast-Debate in the framework of its Business Circle platform. This event featured Clara Martínez Alberola, Deputy Head of the United Kingdom Task Force (UKTF) of the European Commission. The topic of the debate was “Brexit: […]

Presentation of the EYE and MobiliseSME programmes as part of the EU OPEN FOR BUSINESS day

On the 21st of October, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated in the event EU Open for Business which took place in Luxembourg. This annual event, coordinated by the European Commission, aims to highlight European SMEs by promoting the business spirit and helping to create an environment more supportive for […]

Covid-19 Level 4 Alert: Stricter Rules from Monday 19 October

Following the worrying epidemiological situation, new, stricter measures will come into force from Monday 19 October. As of today, this situation brings the whole country to alert level 4 of the Covid-19 barometer (very high alert level). The pressure on hospitals and on the continuation of health care not linked to Covid-19 is increasing. Some […]

Webinar on “Spain as remote working destination”

Last October 13th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a Webinar on “Spain as a destination for teleworking“, in collaboration with Business Cluster, a group of companies formed by Euro Economics, AgioGlobal, MADSkills, Quintessence and with the participation of EPS, IFAS and Modern Nomads. The Webinar was held by Wim […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Alejandro Cainzos, Member of Cabinet of Margrethe Verstager, Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age

On Tuesday October 6th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a new session of its online Breakfast-Debate in the framework of its Business Circle platform. This event featured the participation of Alejandro Cainzos, Member of Cabinet of Margrethe Vestager, European Commission’s Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the digital […]

The Chamber organizes a multi-sector trade mission in Benelux with Chamber of Cantabria and SODERCAN

From September 21st to September 25th, the Official  Spanish  Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a multi-sector Trade Mission in BeNeLux in collaboration with the Chamber of Cantabria and the regional economic promotion body (SODERCAN). This multisectoral trade mission consisted of an individualised commercial agenda service for four Cantabrian companies from sectors as diverse as […]