Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Conference about the internationalization process of LaLiga

On June 14, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, in collaboration with LaLiga, a conference on “the internationalization process of LaLiga“. The event was attended by several representatives of both Belgian and Spanish companies, as well as European organizations, who came to know the strategies that LaLiga implements to meet […]

Live the World Cup 2018 with the Chamber

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg and the Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Portugaise, have the pleasure of inviting their members and network of contacts to watch the first game of Spain in the World Cup of Russia 2018 against Portugal. The appointment will take place next Friday 15th at 20:00 in La […]

Five Spanish companies visited Brussels during the investment activity for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector

The Oficial Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, jointly with the public agency Brussels Invest & Export (BIE), an investment activity for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector in the Brussels-Capital Region. This activity took place during the 28th and 31st of May gathering a total of five Spanish companies:  Biomedal, Kanteron, ValGenetics, […]

Success in the 3rd edition of the Social Networking Night

Last Thursday May 31 took place in Brussels the 3rd edition of the Social Networking Night, an activity organized by the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg in the framework of its program Empleo BeLux. The main objective of this activity is to optimize the tools available in BeLux for the job […]

Luncheon-debate with Nicolás Pascual de la Parte, Ambassador Representative of Spain to the NATO

Last 19th of April, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a luncheon-debate hosting Nicolás Pascual de la Parte, the Ambassador Representative of Spain to the NATO. The theme was “Transatlantic security: new threats and opportunities”. During the event, company directors, members of the Chamber and representatives of public institutions were […]

Workshop in Spanish taxes for individuals living abroad

Last 12nd of April, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, in collaboration with its member BLAW & TAX, a conference about the “Spanish Taxes for Individuals Living Abroad”. The event gathered representatives of different Spanish and Belgian companies, members of the Chamber, representatives of European Institutions and Spanish regional delegations. […]

Luncheon- Debate with Cecilio Madero Villarejo, Deputy Director General at The European Commission Competition Directorate General

Last 11st of April, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a luncheon-debate with Cecilio Madero Villarejo, Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Competition, about “Trends of the European Commission Competition Policy”. The event was attended by executives from various companies, members of the Chamber and representatives of Spanish […]

Forum Committee Meeting

On the 26th of February, the Forum Committee, a working group whose aim is to offer, to organize and to follow the events of the Chamber, organized a meeting in the headquarters of the Chamber of Brussels. During the meeting, chaired by Pablo López Álvarez (FTI Consulting), the last events organized by the “Business circle” […]

Kick – off meeting of the European project Reactivate

The 22nd and 23rd of February, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated in Lublin (Poland) in the kick-off meeting of the European project Reactivate, an initiative from the European Commission aiming at facilitating cross-border job mobility in the IT and health sector. This first consortium meeting had the objective of […]

Info Day about the PICE Mobility Plan

The 8th of February, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized in their headquarters in Brussels an Info Day about the PICE Mobility Plan, program co-financed by the European Social Found.  Since the beginning of 2018, the Chamber is a new local contact point in BeLux for the management of the […]