Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

New meeting room of the Chamber

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has a new meeting room in its headquarters in Brussels (Rue Belliard, 20, 1º), which is available for members of the Chamber and for any interested company. Besides additional services like wifi conection, LCD screen LCD 47”, front desk and telephone services, the new meeting […]

The Board of the Chamber names José Gracia Barba as new Vicepresident in Luxembourg

The Board of Directors of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg gathered last April 6th in the Spanish Embassy in Luxembourg. The Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, Mr. Carlos de Lojendio y Pardo Manuel de Villena took part in the meeting as the President of Honor of the institution. During the meeting, the […]

The new fashion website Spanish Fashion BeLux is already available

In the last years, Spanish fashion is experiencing a progressive internationalization process. It is known in the whole world through its designers and its prestigious brands. The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg would like to help Spanish fashion companies to establish their own brand in BeLux and that is why we […]

The Chamber participates in the EYE 19th Network Meeting

Last March 29th and 30th, the EYE Network Meeting took place at the Bloom Hotel in Brussels. The event gathered all entities participating in the EYE program (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs), funded by the EU and of which the Chamber is a local information spot in Belgium and Luxembourg. The different workshops and meetings were designed […]

Presentation « Art, alternative investment »

Last March 30th, took place in the FREEPORT premises, the conference on the thematic « Art, alternative investment » presented by FIDUCIAIRE PREMIER LUXEMBOURG S.A. and IN ART S.A. both members of MM INTERNATIONAL GROUP S.A. This event co-organised by the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg got together with about sixty decision-makers of […]

Success of the 5th Workshop on Social Media Management for Business and European Projects

Last 21st and 22nd of March, the Chamber held the 5th edition of the workshop on social media management and European projects, in order to promote the image of business in the European market. During the first day, after everyone’s presentations, the professor Philippe Schifflers started by explaining the role of a community manager, as well as the […]

First Breakfast with Members of the Chamber in Luxembourg

Last March 16th the first breakfast with members of the Chamber took place at Cercle Münster in Luxembourg. The event was attended by new members, as well as companies that have been part of the Chamber for years. Representatives of EY, KBL, Van Campen Liem, Fiduciaire Premier Luxembourg SA, Peter & Clark, LuxHotels, Igmasa, Bodegas Salferso, IN ART […]

The Communication Kit 2017 is already available

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg’s Communication Kit 2017 is already available. From the Chamber, we offer to members and non-members the opportunity to use the Chamber as a platform to promote your business, reach new clients and increase your visibility through the different events and the communication tools of the […]

The Chamber in BeLux and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce sign an agreement to promote the internalization of Spanish companies

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg have signed an agreement with the aim of stablishing a stable framework of information and collaboration between both institutions to promote the internalization of Spanish companies. Spanish Chamber of Commerce’s president, José Luis Bonet, and the president of the Official Spanish […]

Meeting between the Spanish Chambers abroad and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Madrid

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the Spanish Chambers abroad will work together to strengthen the presence of the Spanish companies in new markets. This collaboration will focus especially on giving support to the enterprises in the target destinations. That is what it was done in the event that gathered the highest representatives of the […]