Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Alfredo Calot: ‘Justice in Times of Crisis’ & Eduardo Ruiz: ‘The Court of Auditors: Contribution to the European Project’

On December 17th 2013, The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg celebrated a Luncheon-debate in Luxembourg with the Secretary-General of the European court of justice, Mr Alfredo Calot, and the Secretary-General of the European court of auditors, Mr Eduardo Ruiz. The debate, which topics were respectively about “Justice in times of crisis” […]

Company of the Year Award Air Europas and cellebration of the 75th Anniversary

On November 28th of 2013, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, for the celebration of its 75th anniversary, a Gala Diner that gathered more than one hundred selected guests. Among the attendees people could find his Excellency the ambassador of Spain in the kingdom of Belgium and Honorary President of […]

Günther Oettinger: Energy and Competitiveness in Europe

On 19 April, the Energy Commissioner  Günther Oettinger gave an interesting presentation in the context of the lunch-debate of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg for about one hundred assistants, about energy and competitiveness in Europe, sponsored by the Spanish energy company REPSOL. After a welcome cocktail the Chairman of the […]

Luncheon-Debate with Janez Potočnik

“Green growth and the role of the company” was the title of the paper that the European Commissioner of Environment, Dr. Janez Potočnik presented today at a luncheon – debate organized by the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg. The event was attended by numerous personalities from the diplomatic world as well […]

Luncheon-Debate with Maria Damanaki

European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki exposed her proposal “Blue Growth” at the luncheon-debate organized by the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg. She delivered a keynote speech discussing relevant issues to the EU Blue Growth strategy and ways to boost sustainable growth in the European marine and maritime economy. The […]

Change at the Secretary of State for Trade

D. Jaime García-Legaz Ponce, Secretary of State for Trade, now dependent of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, assumed the leadership of a new executive that inherited competences of various secretaries and undersecretaries. The Secretary of State for Trade will assume extremely important issues, part of which will be the same as the ones from […]

Luncheon-Debate with Nicolás Pascual de la Parte

The Chamber organized on the 14th of June a luncheon-debate about the “Arab Spring and the course of events in the Middle East and North Africa”, during which Nicolas Pascual de la Parte, Ambassador Representative to the Political and Security Committee, acted as speaker. The event was sponsored by the company Repsol and took place […]

Luncheon-Debate with Joaquín Almunia

Mr. Joaquín Almunia, Vice-President of the European Commission and responsible for the General Directorate of Competition was the main speaker in the luncheon-debate organized by the Spanish Official Chamber of Commerce for Belgium and Luxembourg. During the speech the main highlights of the plan against the economic crisis were discussed from his General Directorate point […]