The Embassy of Spain in Belgium celebrates the National Holiday

On October 12, the Embassy of Spain in Belgium organized a reception at the Royal Museums of Art and History of Brussels on the occasion of the celebration of the National Holiday.

The reception was attended by local authorities, diplomats, businessmen, European officials and representatives of Spanish public institutions, among other personalities.

The Ambassador of Spain in Belgium, Hon. Ms. Beatriz Larrotcha Palma, thanked the attendees for their participation in the National Holiday and highlighted bilateral relations in tourism, business and institutional between Belgium and Spain.

He also thanked the companies and sponsoring institutions for their collaboration in organizing the event.

The event, in collaboration with the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg, was sponsored by Food of Spain, Airbus, ElPozo, Everis, Iberdrola, Indra, LaLiga, Santander Bank, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, Interparking , Freixenet, Atrevia, Quality Media Production, Mediterranean, Chamber of Commerce of Spain and Bodegas Verum. Also, the offices of the Autonomous Communities in Brussels contributed to the success of the act thanks to the contribution of products and typical wines of each region.

The Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg celebrates the National Holiday


On October 9th, the Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg celebrated the National Holiday. The reception, which took place in the Cercle Cité of Luxembourg, was sponsored by the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg, Bankinter, Banca March, Renta4, CAF, LaLiga, Adepa and PwC.

The event counted, among others, with the presence of representatives of the Luxembourg Government, members of the international diplomatic corps, officials of the European institutions and Spanish residents of the Grand Duchy.

The Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, Hon. Mr. D. Bernardo de Sicart Escoda,thanked the attendees for their participation in the National Holiday, and the Chamber and the sponsoring companies for their collaboration in organizing the event.

José Luis Rodriguez Álvarez, Vice President of the Chamber, attended the reception in the company of other members of the Board of Directors.

Hispania Brussels delighted the attendees with a Spanish haute cuisine catering.

The Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg and the Chamber are grateful for the collaboration of the sponsoring companies:



EXPOGAST & B2B Business Meetings

EXPOGAST will take place in Luxexpo The Box from the 24 to the 28 of November. Every four years EXPOGAST gives expression to the real art of living the crafts of gastronomy are vital to the enhancement of our life and of our heritage. EXPOGAST is at the same time a commercial exhibition, a gastronomic restaurant, a worldwide culinary event of international prestige and a platform of activities that aim to celebrate an authentic way of life: gastronomy and the culinary arts. More information: 

Within the framework of EXPOGAST, the Chambre de Commerce du Grand-Duché of Luxembourg and Entreprise Europe Network organizes the 1st edition of a B2B business meeting event on 26 and 27 November.

For professionals in the sector, the advantages of participating in this event of B2B business meetings are the following:

  • Optimize and generate value added to the participation in the fair.
  • Access to an international contacts network.
  • High level business meetings.
  • Identify new business opportunities and culinary trends.

The Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg, as a collaborating entity in the organization of the B2B event, offers its partners and its network of contacts the preferential rate of 50 euros to participate in the event.

The registration procedure is the following:

  • Access the web: 
  • Select as “partner organization” the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg.
  • Complete your company profile. Afterwards, the access codes will be sent to a private area through which you can select the companies with which you wish to meet.
  • You will receive your agenda of business meetings a few days before the event.

The Chamber accompanies ONCE and Ilunion in signing the loan with the EIB

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing ILUNION with EUR 35 million in financing with the objective of creating jobs for people with disabilities and investing in improving energy efficiency.   This is the first loan made by the EIB to a social economy enterprise in Spain and it receives the backing of the Investment Plan for Europe, known as the ‘Juncker Plan’.

The agreement was signed in Brussels last 25 of September by Vice-President of the EIB, Emma Navarro, and President of ILUNION, Alberto Durán, during a ceremony attended by Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, and President of the ONCE Group, Miguel Carballeda. Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons y Pablo López Álvarez, President and Vice President of the Chamber also participated in the act.


The project promotes social inclusion and will create 200 jobs, which highlights the potential of the social economy as a generator of employment for people with disabilities.

More information:

Workshop in Spanish taxes for individuals living abroad

Last 27 th of September, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, in collaboration with its member BLAW & TAX, a conference about the Spanish Taxes for Individuals Living Abroad. The event gathered members of the Chamber, officials of the European institutions and representatives of Spanish companies in the Grand Duchy,

The Vice President of the Chamber, José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, welcomed the participants and introduced the speaker. 

The conference was run by Inmaculada Pineda, partner of BLAW & TAX, a firm specialized in international taxation and legal-tax consulting at national and international scope related to corporate aspects.

The conference focused on two main points: fiscal residency and its implications, regarding the taxation and fiscal benefits provided by the Spanish domestic legislation.

First, the speaker presented the alternative rules that determine that the tax residency is located in Spain. The right identification of the fiscal residency is fundamental when determining the tax obligations of the natural persons.

Thus, the Spanish regulation incorporates the criteria of residence, location of economic interests and the presumption of tax residency in case the spouse or the children are tax residents in Spain.

Inmaculada Pineda made a parenthesis to explain carefully the well-known model 720 which establishes the informative obligations on the assets located in the Spanish territory.

This declaration must be about three blocks: the accounts in financial institutions, the accounts in financial assets in general and real right on real estate.

Then, Inmaculada Pineda referred to the situation of tax havens and the rule of “tax quarantine”, according to which the person continues to pay taxes in Spain during the transfer year and the following four years.

Afterwards, the conference focused on the OECD Conventions and, especially, on those established with the aim of avoiding double taxation. These conventions are of great importance because they have primacy over the Spanish domestic regulations.

In addition, particular cases were addressed on the maintenance and the change of residence and its related obligations.

Then, Pineda explained the tax benefits incorporated in the Spanish regulation. These are mainly developed in the articles 7.p) of the Spanish Income Tax (LIRPF) and 9 of the Spanish Income Tax Regulations (RIRPF). She emphasized the fact that they are incompatible with one another and that it is usually necessary to analyze each case to be able to choose correctly between the two options.

The conference attracted great interest from the participants, who were able to raise their questions at all times to the rapporteur.

From the Camera, we appreciate the collaboration of BLAW & TAX in the organization of the conference.

04/10 – Informative Session of Grupo CEF.- UDIMA and administrative oppositions of the EU

Grupo CEF.- UDIMA  has the pleasure to invite you next Thursday October 4th at 18:00 in the Meliá Luxembourg Hotel to an informative session delivered by Ana Landeta, R&D Director in the UDIMA University, who will present the education range proposed by the Grupo CEF.- UDIMA .

During the session, the following topics will be covered:

The session will proceed in spanish.

To attend the informative Session please register here.



Energy for Europe: Innovating for a sustainable future

Repsol, sponsor member of the Chamber, has the pleasure to invite you to the fourth edition of Repsol’s annual conference “Energy for Europe”, which will take place on Thursday 27th September 2018 at the Bibliothèque Solvay in Brussels.

The event is entitled “Energy for Europe: Innovating for a sustainable future” and will include a keynote speech from a high-level European Commission representative, followed by a panel discussion. The panel will look at the impact of today’s low-carbon successes on the future of energy, how to safeguard competitiveness, and what role sustainable finance could play.

More information will follow shortly. Should you wish to register, please reply through this link.

We are looking forward to your participation.

Conference on future priorities and budget of the EU: Do they benefit Spain?

On June 26, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, in collaboration with its member Schuman Associates, a conference on “The future priorities and budgets of the EU: Do they benefit Spain?“. The event was attended by several members of the Chamber and representatives of Spanish public institutions in Brussels.

The conference was given by Ruth Estrada, partner of Schuman Associates, a consultancy based in Brussels with more than 25 years of experience in financing and European Public Affairs.

As can be seen from the title of the conference, the exhibition focused on the new multi-year financial perspectives of the EU, which are prepared every seven years. This budget proposal is the first that is made without the participation of the United Kingdom.

These new budgets present several changes compared to the previous ones. In fact, the number of programs has fallen from fifty-eight to thirty-seven, multiplying the investment in digitalization, Erasmus program and security and defense programs, as well as borders contol.

In relation to these initiatives, one of the main novelties exposed by Ruth Estrada is that these budgets look for a centralization of the financing by increasing the control of Brussels.

As a consequence of this centralization, the European cohesion policy will also be seriously impacted, reducing funding for these policies by 10%, which will be compensated through centralized policies.

Estrada also explained the budget distribution foreseen for the new Horizon Europe (which will continue the work begun by Horizon 2020). This horizon plans to allocate more than ninety four trillion euros to programs grouped in various pillars, such as: the research and development of infrastructures, global challenges and industrial competitiveness and the strengthening of the European research area through the creation of a European Council of Innovation.

Likewise, the co-financing of Brussels in European projects will be significantly reduced, which will affect investment in regional policies, mainly affecting southern and eastern European countries.
Therefore, the five objectives through which investments in structural funds are conducted will be the search for a more digital, greener, better connected, more social and closer to citizens Europe.

As the speaker emphasized, sectors such as tourism and urban development are left out of the main core of these budgets. It is for this reason that Spain, although benefiting in many aspects, will try to introduce these matters in the possible modifications that may be carried out in the proposal. The final decision is scheduled to be approved in May 2019.

After the intervention of Ruth Estrada, numerous attendees had the opportunity to ask questions or comment on the draft budget of the European Union.

To conclude, the speaker informed on the reports published by Schuman Associates in relation to the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020, suggesting its reading for all those interested in European funding and the novelties that are proposed for the coming years:

More information on MFF reports:

Breakfast-Conference New companies and associations Code – What impact on the Belgian non-profit organisations?

On June 21st , the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, in collaboration with its member KOAN Law Firm, organized a breakfast- conference about: “New companies and associations Code- What impact for the Belgian non- profit organizations?”.

The event gathered representatives of different companies, members of the Chamber and representatives of foreign delegations.

The speakers of the conference were Antoine Druetz (Partner at KOAN Law Firm) and Alix Degrez (Associate at KOAN Law Firm). KOAN is a business law firm based in Brussels and Paris. Koan is widely recognized for its top tier services.

The conference focused on the Draft Bill of the New Companies and Associations Code (CAC), which will be applicable from the next 1st January for the newly incorporated associations and foundations, whereas in the case of the existing associations and foundations the deadline to make their Articles of Associations compliant with the CAC January 1st, 2024.

This new Code shall have a wide importance within the Belgian business landscape, because amongst other things, it will repeal the Act of 27 June 1921 on non-profit associations, international non- profit associations and foundations.

Both speakers presented the main novelties that will be introduced by the new code, which will lead to important changes related to Commercial activities, registered seats as well as restructuration and transformations.

Both Antoine Druetz and Alix Degrez gave details about the new rules and principles established by this code and that will affect to the Belgian Companies and Associations. Among the most important amendments that will be implemented it is worth noting those that will develop the current doctrinal principles and rules, to fill in the gaps of the Law, as well as the global harmonization of companies, non- profit organizations, international non-profit organizations and foundations.

In this way, the attendees had the chance to get in touch deeply with the new provisions of the Code. The importance of the topic raised many questions among the attendees to the breakfast-conference.  Druetz and Degrez answered all the raised questions and attended all those who wanted to obtain more information about the various situations previously exposed in the conference.

Definitely, the event organized with our member KOAN Law Firm helped to understand much better the regulations of this new code, which undoubtedly will play an important role in Belgium these following years.

Conference about the internationalization process of LaLiga

On June 14, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized, in collaboration with LaLiga, a conference on “the internationalization process of LaLiga“. The event was attended by several representatives of both Belgian and Spanish companies, as well as European organizations, who came to know the strategies that LaLiga implements to meet its international expansion objective.

Firts of all, Andrea Oriol, delegate of LaLiga in Benelux, gave a few words of welcome to the attendees and presented the work of LaLiga and the clubs that compose the competition.

As explained, the operation of LaLiga began to change in 2013 with the arrival of Javier Tebas to the presidency, who established new guidelines to strengthen the professional football league nationally and internationally. Thanks to the policies of financial fairplay, the centralization of the sale of audiovisual rights and the fight against piracy and match-fixing it was possible to economically clean up the organization and consolidate the foundations of what it is today, the best league in the world.

The key areas of work for the growth of LaLiga at an international level are the exploration of new business models and the improvement in the knowledge and consideration of each market. Thanks to this, a greater presence and support for the operators (rights holders) and the fans from all over the world, whatever the country they are and speak the language they speak, is assured.

On the other hand, digital and communication development are a very important factors to consider: specific contents must be created for each market, propose new alternatives and carry out a global strategy that in turn has a local impact.

With all this, LaLiga has offices in 10 countries and 12 cities, but thanks to its hiring of personnel for the Global Network project, which every day studies new market opportunities and analyzes the behavior of international markets, its influence reaches today to 84 countries.

Finally, Laura Vilches, responsible for European Affairs of LaLiga, briefly explained the collaboration that LaLiga has been developing since 2015 in Brussels with the European institutions and national delegations, as well as with the representations of professionals from other entertainment industries in key areas for the growth and consolidation of it. These included the centralized sale of the audiovisual rights of their competitions by LaLiga, the fight against piracy or the new FIFA tournaments and new rules of distribution of the UEFA Champions League.

The conference was held in a participatory environment, in which attendees had the opportunity to raise their doubts to the speakers who, after answering them, gave way to networking.

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