Entries by Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo

Webinar on “Pension & inheritance: 2 problems, 1 solution!”

On March 23rd, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a webinar on “Pension & inheritance: 2 problems, 1 solution!” in collaboration with its member company Pareto. The conference was held by Gauthier Remaekers, Senior financial planner at Pareto. Although inheritance & succession law are very complex and turn even more […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Álvaro de Elera, Member of the Cabinet of Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Values and Transparency

Last Friday, March 19th 2021, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a new virtual breakfast-debate in the framework of its “Business Circle” platform. Álvaro de Elera, member of the Cabinet of Věra Jourová, Vice President and Commissioner for Values and Transparency, participated in the debate. The topic of the breakfast […]

Webinar on “Social Media Management for Businesses”

On March 11th and 12th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce of in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a webinar on “Social Media Management for Businesses”, in collaboration with Philippe Schifflers, digital marketing consultant and online trainer. The webinar featured more than 20 participants from different business and organisations. Social media has become a critical part […]

The Consultation Committee decides on an Outdoors Plan – more people outdoors from 8 March onwards

Last Friday, the Federal Government and the Governments of the Federated entities, meeting in a Concertation Committee, discussed the situation of the coronavirus. The Concertation Committee believes that caution remains the guideline and wishes to give priority to education, young people and outdoor activities in the first instance. Outdoor activities present a much lower virological […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with Cibrán Fernández Silva, member of the Cabinet of Charles Michel, President of the European Council

On Wednesday, 3 March 2021, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organised a new virtual breakfast-debate in the framework of its “Business Circle” forum. Cibrán Fernández Silva, member of the Cabinet of Charles Michel, President of the European Council, participated in the debate. The topic of the breakfast was: “The priorities […]

The Federation of Official Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Europe,Africa,Asia and Oceania, FEDECOM, renews its Boards of Directors and announces new incorporations

The Ordinary General Assembly of the Federation of Official Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania (FEDECOM) unanimously approved in a virtual meeting a second term of President Eduardo Barrachina, who is also the President of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom. Similarly, the vice presidencies of Europe, […]

Workshop on “Communication for EU projects”

On February 18th and 19th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, organized an online webinar on “Communication for EU projects”, in collaboration with the member company Vision Communication Consultancy. This webinar enabled professionals tasked with branding, public affairs, marketing communications, or community engagement to plan, execute and assess a comprehensive and effective social media campaign for […]

Online Breakfast-Debate with María Martin-Prat, Director, Directorate-General for Trade (DG Trade), Chief Negotiator for EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI)

Last Wednesday February 10th 2021, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg  organised a new virtual breakfast-debate in the framework of its “Business Circle” platform. María Martin-Prat, Director, Directorate-General for Trade (DG Trade), Chief Negotiator for EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) participated in the debate. The breakfast focused on “the new agreement […]

Breakfast-debate with Nathalie de Basaldúa, Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner of Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union

Last Thursday January 28th the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a new virtual breakfast-debate in the framework of its “Business Circle” platform.  Nathalie de Basaldúa, Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner of Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union, participated in the debate. The breakfast focused […]