Conference with Intertrust Luxembourg “Structuring investments in & with Spain”

June 16th, Intertrust Luxembourg organized the conference “Structuring investments in & with Spain”, in collaboration with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg. The Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, Mr. Carlos de Lojendio, and many other representatives of the financial sector and other complementary services attended this event.

DSC_0011_retocadaSergio de Miguel-Jessel, Vice-president of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, gave a welcome speech, presented the conference’s program, and introduced the speakers to the audience.  In addition, he also thanked Intertrust for the collaboration with the Chamber in the organization of the event.

DSC_0057Rafael Calvo, associated of Garrigues, talked about investing in Spain from Luxembourg taking into account the actual fiscal scenario. He made an overview of the nowadays economic factors that contextualize the Spanish market of the multinationals opening a debate about “planning” and tax evasion. Furthermore, the speaker pointed out the principal factors that damage the international structural investments as the double imposition. To end up, Mr. Calvo mentioned the nowadays principal initiatives of the OECD, G20 and EU, like the directives of the package “anti-tax avoidance” as an attempt to correct the errors previously cited. In the second part of his speech he focused on the valid legislation of Spain when it comes to approved regulations to mitigate the tax barriers. He concluded proposing possible solutions to the problem such as an initial “filtering” of the structural investments.

DSC_0094_retocadaLater on, Frank Welman, General Director of Intertrust Luxembourg, highlighted the most characteristic factors of the fiscal market of Luxembourg, as well as a varied offer of products and financial services and their fiscal and political stability. He presented a general vision of Intertrust Luxembourg emphasizing their costumers database in Europe and Latin-America, where the second biggest office of Intertrust is located.

Carmen Rozpide, General Director of Intertrust Spain, started pointed out the added value of the Spanish office of Intertrust Spain as a business gateway to make business with Latin-America. She went through the history of the Intertrust office in Spain since it was established in 1995; she highlighted its proximity to the client. Mrs. Rozpide focused on the diversity of the activity sectors of the clients of Intertrust Spain and their adaptation capacity towards new challenges, ensuring a personalized service adapted to each client.

To end up, Sergio de Miguel-Jessel opened a round of questions in which the audience had the opportunity to get their questions answered by the speakers. During the conversations, it was raised the possibility of a change concerning the Spanish fiscal scenario as a consequence of the actual political uncertainty.

Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons closed up the event expressing his gratitude to Intertrust and to the audience.


After the conference, the participants enjoyed a cocktail and had the opportunity to Exchange opinions about the subjects earlier discussed.



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Tapas and Cervantes had a leading role in the Spanish Day in Brussels

Last Sunday, 19th of June of 2016, was celebrated the Spanish Day in the square of Spain in Brussels. They were carried out cultural and promotional activities commemorating the IV Centenary of Miguel de Cervantes’ death.

IMG_1874The Spanish Tourist Office in Belgium prepared a cultural programme for everyone. Among the activities, we could find concerts, tastings of Spanish products, recreational activities for children, as well as the installation of a giant interactive map dedicated to Miguel de Cervantes in the square of Spain. The map of more than 200 square meters placed the principal localities where the genius of the Spanish literature lived.

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg participated in the Spanish Day presenting its project within the framework of Programa Jóvenes programme supported by the Employment and Social Security Ministry. This project aims the labour integration of the young Spaniards in Belgium and Luxembourg (more information at The Chamber presented also the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, in which it has become a local contact point in Belgium.

On Sunday it was put an end to the Tapas Week. During this week, seven restaurants of the city offered a special tapas menu. Coinciding with the Centenary of the writer Miguel de Cervantes’ death, the above mentioned tapas were inspired in some of the main characters of his most famous novel, “El Quijote”.


Presentation of findings “European interests in the Spanish economy” by

According to the study of more than 250,000 users elaborated by and presented today with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg 1 of out every 2 international interests in Spanish companies comes from EU countries.

• Germany is the country that has most increased its interest in Spanish companies during the Q1 of 2016.
• Interest in the Spanish industrial sector stands out among the international professionals.
• 25% of European professionals are interested in startups or newly created companies.

Brussels, June 7th, 2016.-, an economic intelligence web service by Telecoming, has presented today with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, the “European interests in the Spanish economy” study, reflecting the interest in Spanish companies worldwide. In this regard, 1 of every 2 inquiries about Spanish companies comes from professionals from the European Union (EU).

According to this study, of more than 250.000 users, United Kingdom has been the country with the greatest interest in Spanish companies during 2015. More than 11% of international queries correspond to this location (11,4%), followed by USA (8%) and Mexico (7,5%).

At EU level, United Kingdom also leads the ranking of interest in Spanish companies in 2015, with 25,3% of the EU total. It’s followed by Germany (15,5%), France (15,3%), Portugal (11,1%) and Italy (8,1%). German professionals’ interest grows in 2016 increasing its weight 2,5 points.


The manufacturing industry, a sector on the rise for Europe
During 2015, the Spanish trade sector has been the one that has generated more interest among the European professionals, with 25% of the queries, followed by the construction sector, covering 13,1%, and professional activities, with 12,5%. This data lines up with the Spanish business structure, composed mostly by companies in these sectors.


The increased interest in industrial enterprises in Spain is very significant due to its 4.3 points growth during Q1 2016, establishing the manufacturing industry sector as the most relevant for European professionals with business interests in Spain. The importance of this industry, which is gradually increasing, is already 12,2% of total European queries.

Startups, increasingly more relevant for the EU
European professionals tend to be mainly interested in established companies, more than 10 years old. This kind of enterprises are the main focus of 57% of queries.


However, startups or newly created companies (0-5 years) are increasingly drawing attention outside Spain. In this regard, they represent 25% of European professionals’ queries (2 points above the international average), a figure with a tendency to increase in the next years. The remaining 17% corresponds to companies created between 5-10 years ago.

The profile of the Spanish enterprise that most interests the EU is a limited company, with more than 10 years of activity, operating in the wholesale and retail trade sector, and currently active.

About is an economic intelligence web service that offers information about all the Spanish companies and managers. Specialist in collection, analysis and distribution of financial information, it was created in 2014. is a product of Telecoming, a Spanish company focused on cloud and mobile technology. It develops innovative solutions for the distribution, promotion and monetization of digital content, and technology for business communications and connected objects (IoT). press contacts
Carmen García-Morales (91 384 6713)
Eloy Aguado (91 384 6727)

Smart Cities: fostering opportunities between Spain and Brussels-Capital Region

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized last 27th of April a seminar on “Smart Cities: fostering opportunities between Spain and Brussels-Capital Region” in Brussels, in cooperation with Brussels Invest & Export. The event was organized with the aim of promoting the collaboration between the public and private sector of both countries for the development of projects such as Smart Cities and intelligent cities.

The seminar was attended by more than 30 representatives of institutions and local and Spanish companies interested in exchanging experiences in the sector.

The President of the Chamber, Juan Rodríguez-Villa, and the Commercial counselor of the Brussels Capital Region in Madrid, Ariane Léonard, welcomed the attendees and emphasized the excellent collaboration the institutions maintain with the aim of boosting trade relations between Spain and Brussels.

Céline Vanderborght, Project Manager Smart City of the BRIC (Brussels Regional Informatics Centre), opened the speeches by presenting the Smart Cities project of the Brussels Capital Region. “The citizens need to be the center of the Smart Cities strategies and the protection of their personal data is a key factor”, she emphasized. Furthermore, she highlighted the fact that the Brussels Capital Region disposes of highly qualified staff and the necessary means to develop a Smart City, but they require specific projects in order to reach this target.

Olivier Lefevre, of the NRB, continued with the vision of the Brussels Capital Region and stressed the importance of information being transparent so that not only public administrations participate in the projects but also citizens can propose and vote for different initiatives. Francis Hayen, who represented Belfius, emphasized the existence of financial solutions for the development of a Smart City and Eric Auquière, of the STIB-MIVB, talked about the commitment his company has in favor of the creation of a more accessible and sustainable city by aiming, for example, to create an ecologic public transport system.

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Marie Latour of Zabala Innovation Consulting talked about the vision and experience Spain has in the sector and presented in detail the European funding opportunities in the area of Smart Cities. Daniel Sanz, of Libelium, presented various global projects in which the company has participated for the installation of sensors. He explained the opportunities of the “Smart World” sector by giving some examples that help to improve the quality of life of citizens such as “Smart Parking”. Finally, Eduardo Martínez, of Indra, highlighted the importance of the integration of the services a Smart City can offer in different areas such as energy, health or transport within the same platform. During his speech, he showed the audience the actual case of the Smart City project developed by Indra in La Coruña, which shows the many possibilities a comprehensive platform offers. Besides, it allows to monitor the different areas of a city.

DSC_0167After the speeches, a discussion board took place in which Iñigo de Palacio, Senior Global Director Institutional Relations at Indra, who was the moderator of the seminar, invited the participants to debate about relevant issues in the field of Smart Cities.

It was concluded that, in order to not only have a Smart City but also a Smart Europe, we have to establish some standards to be able to guide the companies. The idea that there´s a “central-player” that can moderate the ecosystem of the Smart Cities altogether was also suggested.

Finally, David Martinez Hornillos, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Spanish Embassy, and Tanguy De Lestré, member of the Cabinet of Secretary of State for digitalization of the Brussels Capital Region, closed the seminar by thanking the organization and the participants for assisting the event and by encouraging the Belgian and Spanish companies and entities to establish lines of cooperation in the future in this sector. David Martínez Hornillos encouraged the local companies to support each other by sharing their knowledge and by making use of Spain´s practical experience.



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Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of ZABALA Innovation Consulting in Brussels

Last 12th of April, ZABALA Innovation Consulting celebrated the 30th anniversary of the company in Brussels with an event that included the participation of the Director-General for Energy of the European Commission, Dominique Ristori, as well as the collaboration of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg.

During the event, the Chamber recognized José María Zabala, Founder and CEO of ZABALA Innovation Consulting, for his entrepreneurial spirit and the promotion of innovation in Europe.

About hundred institutional representatives (offices of the Autonomous Communities in Brussels, representatives of the European Commission) as well as representatives from companies with headquarters at the Belgian capital and representatives from European business associations, attended the event.

In recognition of him, the Chamber emphasized the personal and professional worth of José María Zabala, who founded ZABALA Innovation Consulting in 1986. The company started with two employed persons and employs more than 200 professionals distributed among 9 offices nowadays: Pamplona, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Vigo as well as Brussels, London and Paris.

Dominique Ristori declared that “Europe needs creators like José María Zabala who are capable of working with actors from all over Europe. This encourages unity and reunites them for common projects”. Furthermore, he pointed out that innovation and the Energy Union are strategic elements for the future of Europe. In this regard, he emphasized the contribution of ZABALA in the promotion of innovation as a strategic element in companies.

During his speech, José María Zabala went over the track of ZABALA and recalled the fact that Brussels is a place of particular importance for the company since Europe has been present in the DNA of the organization since the beginning. Its specialization in European projects allowed the company to open offices in Brussels in 2003. Since then, its activity in this area has not stopped growing.

The opening of the offices in Brussels was crucial for the international dimension of the company. In particular for the European area, this meant they could reach a return for their clients of 500 million euro of the Seventh Framework Program or they could obtain more than 120 million euro in the second year of application of the Horizon 2020 Program, by leading about 300 projects.

In order to reach these milestones and to manage a portfolio that reaches 1500 clients, ZABALA nowadays consists of a team with an expertise focusing on four large areas: Life Sciences (health, biotechnology, chemistry and agribusiness), Social Challenges (Smart Cities, energy, transportation, environment and socioeconomic issues), Technology (ICT, open data, security, equipment and internet), and the industrial area (Production technologies, industry, processes and products).


Participation of the Chamber in the International Network Lunch L’Espagne, organized by CCI

The event counted on the collaboration of the Belgian and Luxembourgian Chamber Commerce in Spain and took place at the headquarters of the CCI Brabant Wallon in the city of Nivelles, on February, 4th.

As an initiative from Jacques Glorieux, Vice-President of the Belgian Chambers of Commerce abroad and member of the Board of Directors of the bilateral chamber in Spain, this Network Lunch was developed and was attended by an important number of entrepreneurs and Brussels and Walloon consultants.

During the conference, the Spanish example was highlighted as a EU member-state which faced the crisis, that started in 2008, with the best results.

Xavier Ibarrondo, a Spanish lawyer and the CCI Brabant Wallon Vice-president, led the debate. In this debate, the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in Belgium and Luxembourg, David Martínez Hornillos and our President, Juan Rodríguez-Villa, participated among other persons.

David Martínez Hornillos presented some comparative figures of the evolution of the different macroeconomic indexes during the crisis years. Figures that principally made reference to the Belgian, French, German and Spanish economies. Likewise, the statistics on bilateral commerce were presented.

Juan Rodríguez-Villa made a historical reference of the Chamber he leads, going over the different periods established, starting with the Spanish accession to the EEC, the adoption of the Single European Act and the Euro integration.

Jacques Glorieux and Juan Rodríguez-Villa agreed on the need of collaboration of the Chambers in order to achieve their main goals.

Nieves Villar, President of the Belgian and Luxembourgian Chamber of Commerce in Spain, explained the audience the advantages of being partner of the Chamber, for the business establishment and development in Spain.

María Catalán, Secretary General of our Chamber, established contacts with the attendees.

The event was organised by the person responsible for the CCI Brabant Wallon International Relations, Dominique Verleye, and we congratulate her for the excellent result.



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New Year’s Cocktail

On 27 January 2016, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg celebrated its New Year’s Cocktail. The cocktail counted on the attendance of the Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, Carlos de Lojendio y Pardo Manuel de Villena and Eduardo Ruíz, Secretary General of the Court of Auditors. Furthermore, many members of the Chamber, corporate executives and representatives of European Institutions and other local Institutions, participated.

Juan Rodríguez-Villa, President of the Chamber, welcomed the guests and highlighted the activity of the Chamber in Luxembourg during 2015 and the effort made by the Board of Directors and the human team that is part of the Chamber. He also thanked the Spanish Ambassador in Luxembourg, Honorary Chairman of the Chamber, for his important collaboration with our institution.

Sergio de Miguel-Jessel, the Chamber’s Vice-President, expressed his satisfaction for the results obtained through the Employment Program developed by the Chamber since the beginning of 2014, which has allowed more than 300 young Spanish workers living in BeLux in their search for a job.

Finally, Carlos de Lojendio, Ambassador of Spain in Luxembourg, highlighted the increasing and usual activity of the Chamber in 2015 in the Grand Duchy, and showed his best wishes to maintain this increasing tendency in 2016.

The cocktail took place in the hotel Meliá, was attended by more than 60 guests and was sponsored by Vicente et Fils, member of the Chamber.



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Roundtable on The Digital Single Market’s Impact on Spain – 26 January

As new members of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg, Fleishman Hillard is delighted to invite you to a private roundtable about the impact of the Digital Single Market strategy in Spain on 26 January from 12 am until 2pm. This event will bring together Spanish businesses and representatives from the Spanish government to explore opportunities within this European strategy.

The Digital Single Market was developed with the overall objective to position Europe as a leader in innovation where EU companies would provide advanced services to its citizens. The Commission is coming out with ambitious actions that will harmonise cross border rules affecting all sectors of the European economy. Both opportunities and threats will soon appear for Member States and the industry. Spain will be no exception, with its banking industry leading the digital revolution of financial services and its telecom sector reaching as far as Latin America.

Fleishman Hillard looks forward to welcoming you to this roundtable moderated by Ray Pinto, its Senior Vice-President. You will be assured an interactive discussion to learn more about the Digital Single Market and how it will affect Spanish businesses and the economy.

The event will be preceded by a buffet lunch. Space is limited and seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Look up the program here.

Please RSVP by Wednesday 20th January

For more information please contact:

30/11 “Acquisition of immovable property in Spain/Belgium: fiscal consequences and estate planning aspects”

On 30 November, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized in their premises a conference about “Acquisition of immovable property in Spain/Belgium: fiscal consequences and estate planning aspects”. The presentation was given by Rafaël Alvarez Campa, associate teacher at the Ateliers des FUCAM (Université Catholique de Louvain-Mons) and member of Wantiez, Bailleux, Causin & Janssen, a partner company of the Chamber.

Rafaël Alvarez Campa presented the tax implications of buying a property in Spain for a Belgian resident, and vice versa in detail. He also highlighted issues relating to inheritance tax in both countries and estate planning for Belgian residents with assets in Spain.

After the intervention, attendees had the chance to ask questions. A large audience attended the seminar.

“The new Community Customs Code” Breakfast-debate

Last Monday, 7 December, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a breakfast-debate about the new Community Customs Code. Jean-Marie Salva, specialist lawyer on the customs sector and member of DS Avocat lawyer’s office made the report.

The new Community Customs Code will enter into force on 1 May 2016. It is the new issue for the Customs Union, which will replace the current one from 1992. The realization and the delegate acts have already been made public. The new text that was approved after a long debate, has significant advantages for companies that are able to identify these advantages and use them. Topics covered during the session include the status of Authorized Economic Operator, the rules for determining the customs value, modes of representation and the rules related with the setting of the custom value.

After the conference, there was a question time in which the attendees raised doubts such as how to apply the new Custom Code on their sectors, to which Mr Salva answered in detail. The breakfast-debate counted with a large number of participants.