The Chamber calls the X edition of the Company of the Year Award

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg announces the X edition of the Company of the Year Award. An honor that aims annually to promote the Spanish economic and business development in the BeLux region, rewarding the experience and demonstration of leadership and competitiveness of companies in their sector of activity.

The deadline for submitting nominations is June 28 at 12:00 noon (Brussels), and they must be presented in writing to the Secretary General, signed by the legal representative of the company.

The jury will be composed by the Board of Directors of the Chamber, which will consider the public image of the firm, its contribution to promote the “Spain Brand”, the internationalization projects, the social commitment or the improvements produced throughout its trajectory, among other indicators.

As in previous editions, the winner will be announced on our website, where it will join the list of winners in the last nine years: Air Europa (2013), Indra (2014), Orona (2015), everis (2017), Grupo Social ONCE (2018), Cacesa (2020), FCC Construcción (2021), Bankinter Luxembourg (2022) and Zabala Innovation (2023).

You can check the terms and conditions in the following document.